Chapter 10: Master Ty

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Before we start... no. You didn't miss anything. Ty is a character that is introduced in this chapter! Enjoy!

Rainbow Steve: Watch out. She was writing this chapter after the previous chapter. She's still hyper.

Kitten-Chan: I think you are the one that needs to watch out. DON'T MESS WITH ME!

Void Steve: It's been scary here recently.

Kitten-Chan: Wait! When did you come back!


Void Steve: It was very painful...

Kitten-Chan: GREAT! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN PAINFUL! Sabre, here's your cheese!


Galaxy Steve: We just need to leave him be for right now.

Sabre's POV:

  So... we don't have any storage space now. When Rainbow Steve gets resources, he gets resources. He had so much iron, we could build a whole city out of iron blocks, and still have plenty left over.

  We have plenty of red stone, now. We can definitely make many machines out of it. We won't have to worry about if a battery as strong enough to power it.

  "Rainbow Steve, you were gone for only one to two hours. How did you find this much stuff!" I yelled looking at the multiple chests filled with ores, pickaxes, and many other miscellaneous items.

  "Well, it was very easy. First, I found a cave-" Rainbow Steve began before he was cut off.

  "He doesn't mean where did you find them. He meant how did you find this many resources in the little bit of time you were gone? Most of the stuff you found has to be found at a deep level in the ground," Void Steve explained, examining the many ores crammed into the chests.

  "Oh! I don't know... I just found them," Rainbow Steve said with a slight shrug. I sighed.

  "Well, I can't complain. We won't need to be going back to mining any time soon. For the most part, we tear down a machine once we're through with it. Heck, we could just leave them up, and still have plenty of materials. The only thing we need now, is more storage. Galaxy Steve, go get wood," I said pointing to the door. He flinched, and began to argue.

  "Why me?!" he yelled throwing his arms in the air. Void Steve and I looked at each other, then back to him.

  "You know exactly why!" we both said in unison. Galaxy Steve thought for a moment.

  "Ohhhh..." he said, realizing why we were sending him out. Just so he wouldn't mention our embarrassing moment from earlier.

  He laughed, then grabbed an iron axe from a chest. He left without another word, leaving Rainbow Steve confused.

  "Why did you guys send him out instead of me?" Rainbow Steve asked, tilting his head slightly.

  "No reason," Void Steve said quickly. I just nodded in agreement. Rainbow Steve raised an eyebrow.

"*sigh* Whatever..." he said looking off to the side.

  "Well, Galaxy Steve may be out for a while. He'll probably get distracted, so what do we do in the meantime?" I asked. Neither of them answered.

  "No clue. We don't really have much to do. It's not like we need to gather more resources, or anything like that. Nothing to build, and we have no reason to do much of anything," Rainbow Steve said, looking over at the chests full of resources once again.

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