Chapter 25: Never Trust A Villain

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I was going to do this earlier, but I couldn't get on my account. It kept telling me incorrect password. Now! I'm back! Enjoy! (But this means that I may not update for a little bit longer... I DONT KNOW YET!)

Sabre's POV:

  Alex's staff hit the ground many times. His wings folded down, and his expression gave away every emotion he was feeling right now. I couldn't help but laugh at the useless kid.

  "That's right. You, now, understand you're mistake in trying to take me down. All you did was make me stronger. Great job, Alex. You're a wonderful traitor!" Ty exclaimed happily as he clapped his hands sarcastically. I couldn't help but laugh at his sarcasm.

"Wh-how! How can you feed off someone's anger like that!" Alex yelled in disbelief. Ty let out a low chuckle.

"I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand, Alex. This is advanced magic. You wouldn't know if such a thing," Ty taunted. Alex let out a growl.

  "Shut it, Tyler! We will defeat you, and we will get Sabre back!" Galaxy Steve proclaimed.

  I flinched when he said my name. 'Get me back? What's that suppose to mean? Who betrays someone, then want them back on their side?' This group I once knew are crazy. I should've left a long time ago.



  'No! Come on, Sabre! Ty is lying to you! YOU'RE JUST A TOOL!'

  'That's just what you wanna believe!'

  I kept having this internal debate in my head. This more demonic side kept winning. It kept putting the purer side down.

"Get Sabre back? He doesn't want to go back! You guys did him wrong, and it's time you realize your misdeeds," Ty said before holding his hand out. A red ball of energy formed at the palm of his hand.

"No... Don't do this!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed frantically looking in my direction. I smirked. "Don't let him do this, Sabre. You're our friend..."

"Friend? I'm NOT your friend, Rainbow Steve. Not after what you did to me," I replied. Ty laughed evilly.

  Rainbow Steve broke down in tears. Honestly, it was really pathetic. Galaxy Steve tried to comfort him, but it didn't seem to help him at all. The others sent glares my way, which only made me smirk more.

  "Pathetic..." I mumbled. Everyone heard it, though, and that only made Rainbow Steve cry some more.

  "Why are you doing this, Sabre? You should know Ty is the one lying to you," Void Steve explained walking towards me. I didn't move. I stood there with my smirk still on my face.

  "Ty is not lying to me. You guys are the ones that are lying!" I exclaimed tossing my hand out to the side. A wave of energy left my hand, and launched itself at the others.

They all went to the ground to avoid the attack. I didn't even mean to do that, but it felt great! I felt my smirk grow bigger and bigger as I realized what I did. The others stared at me worryingly.

"Sabre... this power is to big for you to handle. Let us help you..." Mary said as she, slowly, neared me. I growled, making her stop in her tracks.

"Help me? You won't help me! You'll try to take my powers away! Keep them for your own!" I proclaimed. Mary's scared figure, suddenly, turned to anger. Honestly, I flinched from this change.

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