Chapter 27: Problems Nearby

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Sabre's POV:

  To say I wasn't happy to be back, would be a huge lie. I don't know what Ty did to me to make me think the way I did, but it worked. It worked all too well. Something good did come out of it though. My powers have been amplified quite a bit, and I can do a few more things now.

  "Hey! Sabre! Do mind helping me out real quick!" Galaxy Steve's voice called out. I turned to the galaxy haired Steve and nodded me head.

  "Sure... what's up?" I asked walking over to him. He smiled and pointed to a chest.

  "We're trying to remodel the house some. Ya know, make it bigger. We have so many people with us, now. We need more space than what we have," he explained. I nodded my head in agreement.

  "Yeah, you're not wrong. We definitely need more space. What do you want me to do?" I asked once again. He let out a small chuckle.

  "Well... could you take the blocks and put them on top. We kinda want to build another story on the house, and make it wider around it all... and make it more welcoming..." Galaxy Steve said as he rubbed his arm. I laughed before using some telekinesis to move the blocks that were placed in the chest.

  "No problem, dude. Just tell me where to put them, and I'll do it," I said twirling the blocks around in the air. Galaxy Steve smiled and clasped his hands together happily.

"Thanks man! Okay, now I want you to add 3 layers of wood for an outline up top," Galaxy Steve said pointing to the very top of the house. I nodded my head and proceeded with the command.

This went on for a while. Galaxy Steve telling me where to place blocks, and I would do as told. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we were satisfied with the work.

It looked a lot better. It was more welcoming than before. It was bigger than before, but we would hav to take out the "current roof" that was still in the house. We were going to take out the roof we had when it was smaller, but was interrupted by a screech.

  "What was that!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed as he turned in the general direction of the screech.

  "I-I don't know!" I exclaimed back even though we were next to one another. The others came up to us, questioning the screech as well.

"Should we check it out?" Alex asked. I nodded my head.

"It came from over here. Let's go!" I exclaimed while rubbing in the direction of the screech. I heard some moans, then the sound of grass being crunched underneath running feet.

  We ran and ran, not once stopping. All of our breathing was labored, but we pushed ourselves. Finally, after what felt like forever, we came across a decent sized village. To our shock, it wasn't filled with villagers. Well, there was a few here and there.

  This village was filled with people that were not Steve's nor villagers. It was filled with people like me, except probably ordinary. How come we never knew of this place? We live somewhat close to it.

  However, I shouldn't worry about why we didn't know it was there. All that matters, is that we, now, know, and the people here are in danger. Many people ran into their houses, only for them to be destroyed.

I felt my anger boil within me. Quickly, before I lost control of my powers, I called myself down. I let out a deep breath I had, apparently, been holding.

"Sabre?" Jake asked worryingly. I knew he was scared of me losing it. I nodded my head, signaling that I was okay. I faced the guy that was causing havoc in the village.

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