Chapter 13: Fighting Evil Daily

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Sabre's POV:

  "WHY ARE YOU SO PERSISTENT!" Ty yelled at me once again. I was struggling really hard to keep control of my own mind and body. I was causing myself pain to snap my self back into reality.

  "I-I will n-never give i-in to-to you g-g-guys," I barely got out. I felt myself losing control of myself once again.

  "*sigh* Just give in, Sabre. You won't escape the clutches of this evil. It was already inside of you, and we just merely woke it up," Slade said walking closer to my fighting figure. I shook so much just trying to look up to him. "You can't escape your destiny, Sabre. This is what you were meant to be."

  "S-Shut u-up, S-Slade," I stuttered. "Arg..."

My head was pounding; the evil trying so desperately to control me. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. No... I can't do this. I'm just not strong enough...

I let the darkness consume me. The last thing I saw was Slade and Ty's smirks once they saw me lose control. I closed my eyes, and they didn't open for a while.

~~~In Sabre's Mind~~~

'Where am I? Oh... another memory of some sort? Why do I always seem to come back to this?'

I didn't even know where I was. Everything seemed... what's the word? It didn't have as much color as it should've. Definitely something from the past.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I can do!" a familiar voice exclaimed. His voice was high, or MY voice was high. I turned to see where my voice come from.

How young was I? Four? I didn't have the bandana. Plus, my mom is still alive, so it was before I was five.

My mom smiled at me, but I could tell it was not a pure, genuine smile. I could see why. I was hovering, not too far above the ground. My hair was flying everywhere, and loose parts of clothing was flying around as well.

"Sabre... that's awesome. How did you learn to do that?" he asked sadly. Being four, I probably didn't know the tone. 'But... I don't remember this. Wait, this was before Slade attacked. Everything before that blast was altered.'

  "Big Brother, Jake!" I exclaimed while floating around. 'Big Brother? I have a brother...'

  A boy with purple hair that faded into a darker purple with two pink highlights appeared from around a corner. His eyes were a light blue that sparkled in the light. He wore a turquoise shirt with two bands around his wrists. He, also, had brown pants with black shoes.

  "It was me!" Jake, I assumed, exclaimed proudly

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  "It was me!" Jake, I assumed, exclaimed proudly. He looks nothing like me, so how is he my brother?

  "Jake... I told you not to do that. Sabre needs to figure his powers out on his own," my-our-mom said looking at Jake. Jake frowned, then crossed his arms.

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