Final Chapter: How It All Ends

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Sabre's POV:

  The burst of energy caused a gust of wind to come at us and attempt to knock us all down. Everyone stood their ground, but we had to shield our eyes so we could continue to see afterwards. I felt the hood of my onesie fly off of my head.

  "This... isn't good..." I muttered as the burst of wind began to calm down finally. I moved my arms down from my eyes so I could see what was happening.

  Krill's body had electricity emitting from his body, and his eyes were glowing a menacing red. He was twitching from the amount of energy in his body that was not compatible for him.

"Sabre! We have to get out of here now!" Jake called out as he tugged on my arm.

I looked back to my friends.

Ty was preparing himself to pick himself off of the ground for flight. Kylie was packing up some of her ingredients for her potions that had fallen from her bag during the energy burst. Jake was pleading for me to leave, and Void Steve was prepared to protect us from any oncoming attacks.

"Sabre?!" Jake exclaimed as he tried to pull me out.

"No..." I mumbled while jerking my arm away from Jake's grasp.

"SABRE! YOU WILL DIE IF YOU STAY HERE!" Jake exclaimed angrily. I looked back to him with a slight glare.

"And? Multitudes will die if we don't finish this. He has what he wanted; he's got all the power. Now, we got to stop him from continuing with this plan," I stated.

  Jake looked at me like I had just committed some sort of crime.

  "Are you a fool, Sabre?! If we leave now, we have a chance to stop him later. If we stay, we will die, and no one can be saved!" Jake exclaimed angrily. I looked over to everyone preparing themselves to protect and leave.

  My took an interest to the ground as I thought about what Jake said. I smiled softly before looking back up to him.

  "You're right," I said.

  Jake smiled at my answer.

  "If this doesn't work, you'll have a chance to stop him," I finished.

  Jake flinched at my remark before realizing what I meant. He reached out to grab my arm, but I didn't allow it.

  "SABRE!" he yelled as I forced him out the door along with everyone else. They all yelped in shock as I forced them out of the room.

  I slammed the door shut before any of them could run back inside for me.

  This was my fight. Mine, and mine alone.

Jake's POV:

  No no no no no! Sabre, you idiot! Why in the world would he do such a thing!

  Void Steve kept punching the door in hopes it would open. Kylie was hugging herself as Ty was rubbing her back gently, trying to calm her down.

  I tried to use some of my magic to open up the door, but Sabre slammed it so hard that the mechanism broke.

  The only way we could get back in would be if we were to break down the door. However, I don't think the door would be broken that easily.

  "Damn it! This door won't open!" Void Steve exclaimed as he rammed his body into the door.

  "It probably won't unless we find a way to break it. I think he broke the mechanism to open and close it when he slammed it shut," I said, referring to Sabre.

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