Chapter 35: Flashing Memories

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Sabre's POV:

  I couldn't believe the sight in front of me. One of my ex-best friends was standing here. He was still just as evil as before, apparently. I felt small tears prick at the corners of my eyes.

  "Sp-Spency... h-how... w-why..." I stuttered running a hand through my hair.

  "Who's Spency?" Void Steve asked as the energy he was charging disappeared. "Besides him obviously being a bad guy."

  "Wow... you never told them about your past life?" Spency mocked.

  "I told them I was an assassin, but I never said much more than that," I mumbled.

  "YOU KNEW THIS GUY!" Ty yelled angrily. I glared at him.

  "I knew him when I was younger. I didn't know this was him now!" I yelled.

  "Hold up hold up hold up!" Alex exclaimed. "Care to explain who he is, and how you know him?" I let out a reluctant sigh.

  "Spency and I use to be friends back when I was an assassin. He saved my life from the Templars, and made sure I recovered," I explained. Spency cut me off after that.

  "And I made sure you were okay for the longest time. Colleen and I tried so hard to find your mother. What did we get in return? WE GOT CASTED ASIDE!" Spency yelled as he took a sword out. He slashed it at me. I dodged and made my own sword out of electricity.


  "Because I was mad! You betrayed me after everything I did for," he said slashing once again.

  "You kidnapped Lucas and beat the living crap out of him," I replied blocking the attack.

  "He knew the whereabouts of your mom you fool," he said trying to push me down.

  "Plot twist, that wasn't my mom. She was dead long before that!" I yelled getting a sudden burst of strength. I pushed him to the ground, but he quickly recovered.

  "Oh, I know that now. I know all about you, thanks to Ty. He caught me up on so much. And, yet, I'm still pissed at you," Spency said before chucking his sword at me. I deflected it easily.

  "I said I was sorry for saying I didn't want your friendship. I said sorry when you were with the League. I tried to beg you not to kill my "mom", Lucas, OR Colleen because I was sorry for casting you aside! And you call me a traitor! You betrayed me!" I yelled before attacking him.

  "Only because you betrayed me first," he responded before rolling over to his sword.

  "It wasn't much of a betrayal as it was me saying I didn't want you two by my side anymore," I said before launching some water at him.

  "I trusted you that you would never leave me. That we would stay by each other's side, but you see that didn't work out," Spency said as he dodged my attack.

"Spency... can we not put this behind us? We both made mistakes, and we can fix them. Let's just... put this behi-" I began before getting cut off.

"I WILL NEVER PUT WHAT YOU DID BEHIND ME!" he yelled. I flinched.

He began to summon a ball of energy in his hands. My eyes went wide from shock. I backed away.

"H-how did you get powers?" I asked nervously. He smirked before launching it at me. I didn't have time to react. The energy hit me in the chest, and forced me into the air and back onto the ground. I groaned in pain. My chest was burning.

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