Chapter 17: There's More To Know

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Slade's POV:

"HOW COULD YOU LET HIM ESCAPE, SLADE?!" Ty yelled slamming his sword in the ground. His eyes glowed an evil red. To say I wasn't terrified would be a lie. Actually, I was beyond terrified at this point. Ty's never gotten this mad before.

  "I didn't mean to! His friends barged in and began attacking me. I couldn't get close to Sabre!" I yelled back. He growled.

  "Excuses excuses! Stop with these pathetic excuses! I saved you from your past life when you were a child! I gave you the ability to continue. DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH ME, SLADE!" he yelled. I backed away from him. I can't deal with this right now.

  "Look, Ty. I'm sorry. It won't happen again," I said holding my hands up in defense.

  "You're right! It won't happen again. Otherwise, I'll make sure to stab my sword so deep in your chest, you'll beg for mercy when you're dead!" he exclaimed before walking out of the room. I was left in pure silence. I was still in shock over what he just did.

  I let out a huge sigh of breath. If you get yelled at most the time, you learn to adapt to this behavior. I'm just getting sick of getting treated like crap. He claims to be my savior, but this is how I'm always treated.

"I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS BULL CRAP! I HATE BEING HERE!" I yelled kicking a few things in his office. Papers flew all over the place. Great, I'd probably have to clean that up later. Might as well get it over with.

The floor was completely covered in a variety of papers. It took so long just to clear a big enough section to stand on without standing on any papers. Can't dirty his precious papers.

"WHAT HAPPENED IN HERE!" Ty yelled walking into his office. I sighed.

"An accident. I was cleaning up my mess," I said refusing to face him. He jerked the papers out of my hands.

"Get out! You shouldn't have been left in here by yourself! There's stuff you have no privilege to see!" he yelled pointing to the door. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't want to argue with him. That's probably not the best thing to do when he's mad.

  I walked silently along the empty hallway. It gave me a weird feeling. I really think I'm starting to lose my evil. Ty's changed recently, and it's obviously taken a toll on me. Is this how other people feel when the bad guys yell at them? Must be because that's how I feel.

  Why did Ty kick me out like that? Is he hiding something? I shouldn't worry about it, but I'm so curious. 'Just ignore it, Slade. There's nothing you need to be doing... but I SO wanna know why!'

  I opened the door to my room. For some reason, I didn't feel as happy in my black room that was filled with multiple targets from years ago. Everyone of the happy faces told me how much I took away from them.

That's it... I really can't take it anymore. I'm done with this little shindig. I'm leaving.

I tore down all of the pictures of people who's life I ruined. I didn't own anything besides the clothes on my body.

 I didn't own anything besides the clothes on my body

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