Chapter 37: Fearless Group

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Jake's POV:

  "Jake... you're digging holes in the dirt with your pacing," Mary commented as she walked over to me. I had to look up, which I never have to do. I looked back down to see that, indeed, I was digging holes in the ground.

  "I-I can't calm down, though. Are we actually trusting Ty to find Sabre AND bring us to him?" I demanded while climbing out of my little hole. She got angry and glared at me with her hands on her hips.

  "JAKE FAVRE! I thought we've been over this! Sabre would give Tyler a chance, so you need to as well," she said before walking off. Let me explain. (No... he didn't just break the fourth wall. JAKE!)

  Ty is currently not here... in a way. His body is here; floating in midair. However, his mind isn't here. He said he was basically searching the land to find Spency's or Sabre's aura. Once he finds it, his mind will return to his body, and he'll be back to normal.

I watched Ty as his body rose and fell in the air. His eyes were sealed shut, and his marks under his eyes glowed a vicious red. Everyone just waited around. Some lied on the ground, and others merely sat on the grass and talked to the others. I was the only one pacing and causing a mess on the ground.

Suddenly, a loud gasp came from Tyler. He straightened himself out and landed on the ground as everyone rose from their spots. I ran over to him; waiting for to hear what he found. He held his head and closed his eyes once again.

"What's wrong! Did you find Sabre!" I yelled hopefully. He just nodded his head, but I could tell something was wrong.

"I found him... but his energy is weak. I can't tell what's wrong with him besides he is in pain, but it's not what's making him so weak right now," Ty explained as he opened his eyes once again. He looked around to all of us. I guess he wanted to see our reactions. "His energy is really weak, so it'll be hard to constantly feel where he is, but I'll try my best."

"Then let's head out. The more time we waste, the more time we give Spency to hurt him," Void Steve said. We all began to walk to wherever Ty lead us.

"Another thing. I don't think it's just Spency causing Sabre to be in pain," Tyler said back to us. I looked over to the others with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean?" I asked going up next to him.

"I found the base they're keeping Sabre at-" he began before I cut him off.

"They?" I questioned. He nodded his head.

"Yes, they. There was someone else's presence in the building. Something... powerful... something evil," Ty said. "I'm almost positive it was this higher power Spencer is working for."

"Okay... can I question why Sabre calls him Spency, but you call him Spencer? I thought you didn't know his name when you worked with him," Alex asked. Ty shrugged his shoulders.

  "To be honest, it's more of a hunch. I mean, I feel like "Spency" is just a nickname for Spencer," Ty suggested before dodging a tree.

  "And... they knew each other from Sabre being an assassin," Mary mumbled conclusively. "I mean, Sabre did say they were friends at one point."

"Can I get caught up?" Kylie asked confusingly.

"Sabre, as he put it, "wasn't the best person" before he meet the Steves. He went to some crazy daycare when he was younger, and gained a lot of experience in the real world there. They had some crazy teleporter and a director that had no control over the daycare, and he even had some crazy front desk guy that was basically a lunatic. After that, he became an assassin after some events with some people called Templar Guards and his "parents". I guess, Sabre and Spencer were friends at one point, but Sabre apparently casted Spencer aside for some odd reason," I explained as we continued to follow Ty. I really hope he knows where he's going.

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