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My mom wanted us to come over to have dinner. Madison was beyond excited for this. I could've stayed home. I wasn't in the mood to even be bothered by what my mom has to say. Then on top of everything I'm sitting here worried about Gia. The last time I've seen her was when she popped out a indent and hopped in a cab. So I know she heard everything that was said.

"Delano?" My mom called.

"What?" I asked.

"Stop moping around! Your wife and I were speaking and she told me you two recently had an argument.." rolling my eyes cause our business isn't her business.

"Yeah, we did. She's annoying me to have kids and not respecting the fact I'm not ready. Then she's insecure when it's comes to Gia. At this point I'm starting to question this marriage".

"How dare you!!! Madison has every right to question you about Gia. It's no secret you still has some under lying feelings for her. Madison is your wife so start treating her like one. You never acted like this until a few months ago. What changed?".

"Can we stop making me a point of conversation?" I asked.

"Maybe Madison is correct you need to have a baby. That will help you get over gia. Plus, you're going to be to preoccupied with a baby" she said.

Shaking my head "not ready. So it's not happening just leave it alone".

"But you had no problem getting Gia pregnant twice. Amazing. One woman here who wants a baby you don't want to be bothered with. But the one you got pregnant twice didn't even one the first one. You're priorities are messed up" she said.

Madison walked back in and sat down "What I miss?".

"Nothing just my mother trying to convince me to start a family with you. But if this is your plan it's not working" I said.

"I mean she isn't wrong. We been married for two whole years and we aren't getting any younger. I don't understand why you don't want babies with me". Face palming myself "why are we always talking about this?. If you keep pushing me to do something it doesn't make me want to do it any quicker. Just drop the subject already. Acting like a child because I won't give you what you want" I got up and walked off. This whole situation was bothering me.

My phone rang "hello?".

"Hey umm... my dad is in the hospital can you come by?" Gia asked. I can tell she's been crying. "Yeah.. I'll be there in ten minutes" I walked back into the dining room "I have to go back to the office I'll be back later". I didn't give them any time to question me I just walked out quickly.

At the hospital, I saw Gia and Bria sitting together. Approaching them "what happened?".

"My dad had a slight stroke" Gia said. I took a seat next to her "is he okay?".

"He's not awake" she said. I reached over and hugged her pulling her to me. She didn't fight me this time. "I'm going to check up with the doctor" Bria said. We nodded and sat there. "Thanks for coming".

"For you? No problem. How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Not long. I left work early and came straight here when Bria called me" she said.

"Sorry this is happening" I said. She moved from my grasp. "I hope I didn't get you in any trouble" she said.

"Nope, none and I wouldn't even care cause I will still be here for you when you need me" I said. She smiled "thanks". In the midst of everything going on the doctor told us his brain is functioning but he's still in a coma. Gia didn't take the news well. "Do you want me to come over for a bit?" I offered.

She nodded "yeah that'll be good". I followed her back to her apartment. Both boys were sleeping. They had no idea about what's going on. "You know it sucks. I'm still trying to get to know my dad and then this happens" she said. We sat on the couch not touching each other. "He'll pull through".

She smiled at me "hope so. I don't know what I'll do if I lost him". Hearing her sniffle I hugged her. You ever felt like the universe was working against you?. That's what was going on here. She pulled back and leaned in and kissed me. Before we both continued the damage control "are you sure about this?". She kissed me again. She's in vulnerable place. I know this is completely wrong to do. But it's Gia. How can I say no?.

She straddled me and I knew where this was going. "Not here" I said. Getting up I led her to her room. Closing the door and locking it. I didn't want any disruptions.

The next morning.. I woke up next to the woman I always wanted. She turned over... she covered her eyes "holy shit!".

"Yes, that happened!" I smiled.

"Delano! Hello!! No!! We didn't!!!" She panicked.

"We did and it was amazing" I said.

"You need to home now! And I mean right now" she jumped up out the bed. "What is the problem?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know... YOU'RE MARRIED! You officially cheated on your wife. WITH ME!" She said loudly.

"Well we kissed so I cheated a while ago" I corrected.

"Delano that's not helping. But in all seriousness you need to go home!" She said. I got up and walked up to her "I know you had fun last night. You can lie to yourself but your body says different. I missed us being together".

"Delano... go home. Damage has been done already" I leaned in trying to kiss her but she turned her face and pointed to the door. "I'll check up on you later". She didn't say anything back. She just closed the door and locked it.

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