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On this humid day I was at the pool alongside Madison and my sister. Trying to enjoy this day but my mind was on two things. One being Gia and Two finding the right words in breaking it off with Madison. This isn't going to easy.

In the meantime I knew Gia was at work

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In the meantime I knew Gia was at work. I took out my phone...

"Hey baby" I said.

It took her a good five mins to respond.

"Don't call me baby..." she said.

"How's work?" I asked.

"Not as busy. And I'm hungry" she said.

"Poor baby..." I teased.

"😩😩😩😩😩😩 bring me food please?" She asked.

"I can't... I'm stuck at the pool with Madison and my sister for the day" I said.

"😭😭😭😭... the baby wants food and I can't go on break for another two hours".

"How about I order you something and have it brought to you?" I offered.

"I want Mexican food. Spicy everything" she said.

"You got it! Anything for you" I said. Seeing a shadow hovering over me I moved my phone to see my sister "what are you doing?".

"Nothing just checking some stuff for work" I lied.

"We didn't bring you here to work. You need to get in the pool and relax" she said.

"Oh I'm relaxed. Very relaxed" I said.

"Not from what Madison tells me. Saying you are depriving her of a baby" rolling my eyes here we go again. "I'm not doing this anymore. I can't do it. She's going to kill me asking for a baby every damn day". My sister seemed shocked. Madison came over with her towel on. "Hey guys".

"Madison we need to talk, now!" I said.

"Okay... about what?" She asked. My sister saw the cue to leave us alone. "I can't keep doing this anymore. We are on two different wave length now. I'm just not happy anymore. Two years ago it was perfect but now... what I'm saying is I want a divorce. It's obvious I'm not going to give you what you want anyway. So why hold you back from finding someone to give you that".

She started to panic "you're breaking up with me?!".

"That's what I said... isn't it?. It was a good run as long as it lasted but I'm done. I don't have it in me anymore to be married to you" I said.

She started with the water works "I thought you loved me?!. All the vows we said to each other. It meant nothing to you! Wait? Is there someone else?".

"No Madison. It's just us. We don't mix well anymore. I'm sorry but it's the truth. You'll find someone to fulfill your baby needs" I said. Grabbing my things "oh and I'll send your stuff so we don't have to cross paths". She didn't say anything she was too busy crying into her towel. My sister just seemed completely shocked.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" My sister asked. I loaded up my truck with my things "yup". She gave me a small smile and I sped off.

Walking into Gia's job with no shirt I had her food. She saw me and jumped in excitement. "You brought my food!!". Holding up the bag to show her. "You are the best!".

"So I did it today" she wide eyed me "you broke up with Madison?!".

I nodded "I did and she didn't take it well as I figured she wouldn't but I feel free".

"Congratulations! You're a new man" she said.

"A new man for you" I smirked.

"Not until that divorce is finalized" she said. In the office Gia works in has soft music that plays to keep the customers happy. So the doctor thinks. When I heard the song I smiled "the universe is rooting for us. Lady in my life playing here".

"That song never plays here. It's the same songs over and over. Weird" she said.

"That's a sign baby. We are going to be good. MJ says so" I said.

"He's dead... someone got too much sun today" she joked. Just watching Gia I was happy I did what I did. She's the one I always wanted and will ever want. The love I have for her is unmatchable. "Coming over later? That way you can tell me the whole story of how you broke it off with Madison". I nodded "yeah I'll come over. Plus, I think the boys would like that too". She smiled "anyway let me get back to work before you know who comes out here".

"Damn Gia that's your boo... he's a cute white boy" a coworker of hers said.

"Mind your business. This white boy is mine" she said. I smiled and shook my head "let me get going". She waved and went to digging into her food. As I got home I saw my mothers car parked out front. Signing cause there goes my high. Getting out I slowly walked inside. "Delano! What did you do?!" She came over walking to me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Madison called me crying her heart out saying you wanted a divorce!".

I nodded "she's correct. What's the problem?".

"Have you lost your mind? She's your wife and you already want to dump her like trash?".

"Madison and I wasn't working. She wants things that I don't want. And to be fair I let her go so someone can give her that" I said.

"I told her you'll come to your senses to give you a couple of days" she said.

"I already made arrangements for the divorce papers to be drawn up. I'm serious about this. Madison is a nice person but she isn't for me. And that's okay it happens to everyone. Let me be..."

She just stared at me with straight hate in her face. "Is that all you came here for?". She stormed out of my home slamming the door shut. I mean shit if she likes Madison so much she can marry her. Be my guest. Looking at her things I got a couple of boxes and put her things in. Taping it up and writing on them. The house was looking empty. I wonder how long it'll be before I can get Gia to move in.

Speak about Gia I looked at the time and realized she was home already. I got into the shower and cleaned up. Pushing the boxes outside just Incase she came by she can just take her things. Got in my trucks and drove off to Gia's. When I got there Ryan was happy to see me. Kairo was all over place. It was the busy home I missed.

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