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Both boys was asleep. Kairo somewhat gave a little fight to go to bed but eventually he gave in. Lord, that little boy tires me out. Going back on what Ryan told me before. I somewhat forgot about that incident that almost made me murder Delano.

[One year before]

It was Delano's weekend with the boys. Ryan was excited to see his dad. This was the start of the marriage to Madison. She was very nice to both boys so I couldn't complain. And we got along great.

Delano texted me that he was downstairs. Grabbing both boys I walked them down and watched them as they got into his car. Waving at them I went back to my apartment.

About six hours later I got a call from Ryan he was hyperventilating. "Ryan?! What's wrong?!" I asked.

"Mommy can I come home?" He asked. Was he crying?.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?!" I asked grabbing my car keys. "Did Madison do something to you?" I asked. Hey I have to make sure you never know. "No... just come get me!" He cried. Thinking the absolute worst I drove as fast I can to Delano's house. Pulling up I jumped out of my car and stormed inside. Fuck ringing the door bell. "Gia? What are you doing here?!" Delano asked. It seems he just got back himself. "Where is Ryan?!" I yelled.

"It's in his room. Did something happen?" He asked. I didn't answer him I went straight to him. Delano following me and questioning me. Pushing open his room door I see him in the corner huddled up crying. Pulling him to me he hugged me so tight. "What happened?!" I asked. Delano seemed like he was confused.

"Daddy went out and Madison was here but then this older lady came by. She was nice and then she got mean. She told me I couldn't eat or drink anything. Then she made me stand in the corner for a very long time. Then she told me to come up here and she came in and said some mean things to me!".

"Hold the fuck up?! You had your mother here Delano!" I yelled.

"I didn't invite her here. I left to do some work and Madison was watching them" he said. When I was rubbing his hair I noticed a patch. Pulling his face to ask him "what happened to your hair?".

"She cut it. She said my hair was ugly" he said. I jumped up and pushed Delano out of my way "Where is Madison?!" I yelled. "She's not here. She left when I came home".

"Come on Ryan get your stuff" I said. Ryan quickly got his bag together. Kairo heard the yelling and was watching. "Come on both of you". Both boys followed me outside. Delano came out as well. I didn't have anything to say to him. He should've known better. "Gia, I'm sorry I didn't know".

I didn't even respond. I was so pissed the fuck off. You mess with my child then you're messing won't me.

[present day]

It took Ryan some time to get over what happened. From then on he doesn't talk to Delano's mom. Hence why I made a rule of not having them near her or around her. She denies anything happened and that Ryan was over imagining things. I was so tempted to beat her ass but I didn't need any cops involved. She's the type to quickly call the cops on someone.

Saturday came faster than usual. Kairo and I were on our way to this function. That's one thing about Kairo he don't play around. He may look cute but get on his bad side... it's a whole different child. When we got there I did scope around to make sure his mom wasn't here. We walked onto the field and I saw Delano and Madison along with his sister talking. I wasn't going to even approach them but Delano saw me and motioned me to come over.

"Hey guys" I said. Delano grabbed Kairo and picked him up. Even though that happened with Madison I keep her at arms length. We aren't as cool as you think. When I drop the boys off I keep the conversation simple. I only do it because she's Delano's wife. Delano and I have been getting along nicely I don't want anything to mess that up.

"Oh my god! Gia I haven't seen you in ages" his sister said.

"I know! How are you?!" I asked.

"Good. How are you?" She asked.

"Can't complain" I said. She turned to Kairo "oh my goodness is this the youngest one?". I nodded "yeah. Sorry but Ryan wasn't feeling this".

"That's okay he's getting older I understand" she said. Madison didn't say anything to me. Thought that was weird. She usually says hello to me. Maybe she's having a bad day. Taking Kairo we walked out well Kairo more or less ran around. It was a nice fundraiser. No drama just nice people.

"Nice right?" I turned to see Delano standing next to me with two cups in his hand. "Yeah it's nice she did good". He handed me the cups "I figured you both would be thirsty especially Kairo. He hasn't stopped running since he got here".

"You been watching us?" I asked.

He nodded "of course. I was making sure you both were enjoying yourself". Right... "well thanks for the drinks" I said. Kairo came running over to us and took the cup and went to work on the juice.

"Well... well... well look what the cat dragged in...
Who invited you here?" I turned to see the old wrinkly bitch herself.

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