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Storming into my mothers home and screaming loudly. I knew that would get her to come down here. Actually Madison came running with my mom and sister. How convenient.

"Delano what the hell are you doing?" She asked.

"Family meeting... NOW!" I said. They looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I am. Walking into the living room I motioned them to sit down. They sat down right beside each other. "What is this about?" My mom asked.

"Maybe he wants to get back together!" Madison said.

"Madison I wouldn't get back with you if you were the last woman on earth. Give it up!" I said. She gasped "then why am I here then?".

"Madison I didn't want you here. I don't even know why you are here. What? Trying to master another plan to get me back?. Waste of time" I said.

"Delano don't you dare speak to Madison that way"
My mom said. Smiling I turned to her "Wait your turn". She looked confused and didn't say anything. Taking a paper bag from behind me "Madison please put this over your head".

"No, why?" She asked.

"Isn't it obvious I don't want to keep looking at you? Your face is making me sick" I said. She looked hurt. "Well? Do it!" I said. She slowly put the bag over her head. I laughed "she's as dumb as I thought". My sister stood up "Delano what the hell is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind?".

"Dealing with you three I probably did lose my mind. Which makes me dangerous at the moment" I said.

"It's not us! It's that —-" cutting her the fuck off I went close to her "say the word and I will smack the spit out of your mouth" I warned.

"You don't scare me Delano. Forgot where you come from?" My mom said.

"That's why you should be scared. You know I wanted to come in here civil and speak to all three of you guys..." Madison was trying to be slick and take the bag off her head "Uh Uh Don't even think about it". She put her hands down and kept the bag over her head. "Like I was saying... but I can't be civil with you three so I said what's the best way to do this. And then it came to me after Gia left my home the next morning with our daughter" I grabbed the wooden bat from where I was hiding it. And swung it on the table. All three women jumped in fright. "Oh don't be scared now" I laughed.

"Delano has lost his fucking mind!" My sister said.

"Blame yourselves. You couldn't let me be happy with Gia. So now for letting me miss the birth of my daughter I want my own sweet revenge... who should I start with first" pointing the bat from one to the other. "Let's start with little sis shall we... You know out of all of this I thought you had my back when it came to gia. But just like these two you switched sides and I don't care why. But I'm just saying did you tell anyone about that adoption you did. Oh wait! Oops".

"Delano you swore you wouldn't tell anyone about that not even mom" she said.

"Whoops... now she knows. Well let me explain. Your darling daughter here decided to sleep with a doctor from clinic that she works at and well he is married. Has a whole family. And sissy here got pregnant and he didn't want anything to do with her. So she had the baby and gave it up. And the best part is guess who adopted the baby? The doctors wife! The kicker is... you ready for it. His wife just got my letter explaining about the adoption and the real reason he wanted her to adopt the baby. And boom she's coming for you!".

My sister was crying uncontrollably in her hands. I felt no remorse for her. "The real reason I never said anything because I was loyal to you. You supported my relationship with Gia. But once you turned then I turned too. If I was you I would leave Arizona cause his wife didn't sound happy at all. Who's next!!" I said.

Looking at paper bag and my mom. I decided to go on paper bag cause she's the easiest. "Madison aka dumbass. You were never a smart one and I over looked that. But let's not think I didn't know my mom had you chase me because she wanted me to get over Gia. This wasn't a secret. Again I overlooked it. But then after a year... I noticed how dumb you really are. Even in the bedroom. You are a sorry excuse for a woman. No man will ever breed with you and if they do... they won't. You're lucky I even slept with you the two times I did. And it was pity sex. Not worth it at all". Madison didn't move or say anything. She just sat there. Not surprised.

"And last but not least oh dear mother! The same woman who birthed me. And partially raised me. Because well you were too busy getting dick to raise your own kids. But that's not the icing on the cake"
I said.

"Delano! I demand you stop this right now" she yelled.

"Who the fuck are you talking to? I will without hesitating swing this bat and crack your skull open" I warned. We had a staring contest going on for a minute before she backed down. "Anyway the icing on the cake was I found out through some hidden paper work that you should've ripped up.. but they always say the smartest people do dumb shit. Case in point... you stole money from my company! Yes, I got proof right here. You stole from me your son. Wow! My own mother stole thousands of dollars from me. You know I work hard for what I have and here you go just taking it from me!".

"All lies!" She said. Losing control I quickly grabbed her face and squeezed it. "You conniving little bitch! Where you are going you'll fit right in!. Oh and tell big sally when she's bending you over to not use any Vaseline". Feeling like a new man. Breaking a couple of things as I walked around the home. "I bought this... and this... and shit this too!". Stealing money from my company is a all time low. She fucked with the wrong one.

Opening the door I let a police man inside. "The old hag in the corner is who you want". My mother screeched that sent echos throughout the house. Watching as they cuffed her and forced her outside. I applauded the police for doing their job. "Rot in jail you sticky finger bitch!". The cop threw her in the back of the car and sped off. Throwing the bat at her car that I probably bought.

Walking into Gia's apartment with a huge smile on my face. "Why are you— cutting her off with a longing kiss. I picked her up and took her into the bedroom. I had to celebrate the freedom I just got.

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