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When I got home I pulled into the driveway and sat there. I wanted to go inside but my feet wouldn't let me. Turning off the car I just looked at this house. It was suppose to be a new beginning. No drama. Just peace. But in reality the drama was already in my house.

Honestly I didn't want to stay here. I couldn't fake happiness while walking inside. And he's home watching Salem. Lord, Salem... even if I wanted to leave she wouldn't be happy about it. Her daddy is everything to her. It would crush her. Coming to I was standing in front of the door. I don't even remember getting out of my car and walking. Opening the door I walked inside.

Hearing the television playing baby shark... at least he'll be busy for a while. I walked to the kitchen putting my keys on the counter.

"Hey where were you?" He asked. Wasn't expecting him to be right behind me so I jumped in fright. "Jesus Delano... give me a heart attack!" I said.

"Didn't mean to. Just curious. Your session ended hours ago" he said.

"I was out. Does it matter where I was? I'm home now right? So there you go" I said. All of a sudden he wants to play controlling Delano. Not on my watch. This whole time... I never ever cheated on him. Never mind I had chances to. But I never cheated on him. But he can stand here and try to control answers from me. He stood there "listen I'm just asking cause I was worried".

"Right? You worried? Yeah okay!" I mumbled.

"What is your problem? Did the session not good well?" He asked.

"The session went great. But I just have a lot to think about. And I mean a lot!" I said. Walking away from him I went to our room. Standing there I just looked at the closet. Should I?. Glancing at the luggage and back at the closet. That'll be too hard. Cause then I'll have to pack the kids stuff too. Dammit. He stood at the doorframe just watching me "What are you doing?".

"Delano you are very annoying today! Leave me alone. Doesn't Salem need you?" He seemed surprised by my attitude.

"You just got home and I'm annoying you? I didn't even do anything to you" he said.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked. He raised his brow and walked over to me. Trying to hug me but I swear I smelt Bria on him. Pushing him away from me "don't touch me!". He looked confused "what is your problem?".

Moving pass him I stormed out the room. Salem stood there just staring at me. She ran to Delano hugging his leg. I wonder if Salem sensed something was going to happen?. She just watched me with these sad eyes. I needed fresh air before I ended up having another panic attack. Opening the back doors I stood there just breathing in the air.

"Gia we need to talk. Something isn't right with you" he said.

"I'm fine. It's you!. This whole time you made me feel like I was the problem. But it was you!" I said.

"I'm confused. Explain" he said. Here we go! This is when Delano is caught so he plays dumb like he has no idea what's going on. "Delano today isn't the day for you to play dumb" I warned. This was a very long day as is. My stomach was feeling like shit. As soon as I finished that thought vomit came up my throat and out my mouth. Delano ran to me "Look let's clean you up and try to relax".

"Don't touch me! I can take care of myself. Don't want your dirty hands on me!" I said. He stepped back "Gia I was trying to help".

"Don't need your help" I said. Racing to the bathroom I cleaned myself up and put water over my face. When I walked out Delano was there. Like he can't leave me alone!. "I see telling you to leave me alone doesn't work".

"My wife is sick and you want me to leave you alone? Not happening. You've been acting weird since you came home. Never mind your session ended hours ago and you won't tell me where you were".

I smiled "sucks doesn't it. When someone keeps something from you?".

"Is this about Bria?" He asked.

I shrugged "is it? I never said it was. But since you brought it up. Guilty conscience". He sighed "Gia come on let's not do this right now".

"I have time and so do you. We have a whole hour before I have to go pick up the other two. So either your going to tell me the truth of what I now know. Or we are getting a divorce and I'm leaving. And this time I'm going to the east coast. Far away from you!".

He smiled "Gia we are married now. And I wouldn't give you a divorce so... that threat wouldn't work".

"Okay" I went into the closet and got my suitcase out. Taking the clothes off the hangers and throwing into the suitcase. He just watched me "You're not going anywhere. So just put the clothes back".

"Really? You think so" I said.

He got up and took the suitcase from me and threw it out the room. "You're not leaving me. And no divorce is happening".

"Why not? You think it's okay to cheat on your wife? The one you claim to love?" I asked. Feeling tears forming I tried my hardest not to cry. But the tears came full force. "You claimed you loved me. But all this time you were messing with Bria?!".

He stood there and just stared at me. "Answer me?!".

"It was only once when we had that fight. She called me and I went over there and well things led to another and we had sex" he said. Wiping my face so I could see him clearer. "Which led her to get pregnant, correct?".

He sighed "yes. But I told her I didn't want it. She was devastated".

Shaking my head "I can't even look at you!. I was loyal to you from day one! Thinking you wanted to love me the way I never knew how. But you did the exact same thing you did years ago!. Why do you keep cheating on me?. Is there something I'm doing wrong?!".

"No gia it's not you. You are everything I want and need but I guess... I don't know!" He said.

"I can't do this!" I stormed out of the room. He followed quickly behind me. "Where are you going?".

"You don't have the right anymore to question me about anything" I said.

"Actually I do. I'm your husband. Remember that" he said. Before I walked out the door to get the boys I turned to him "What is the real reason you married me?. From what I see it couldn't be out of love. What? So if I wanted to leave you... I couldn't. You have that hold on me now". He didn't answer me he just looked at me. "That's what I thought". Feeling the tears coming down again.


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