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After cleaning up and disposing of her body I went on back home. All the lights were out so I knew everyone was sleeping. Quietly walking inside the house. I took a quick shower and walked into our room. The sight of Salem sleeping right next to Delano was priceless. I do have to get her to sleep in her own room.

Delano moved a little "Hey".

"Shh... don't want to wake up her" I said.

"Did you do it?" He asked.

I nodded "yeah she's gone for good". He didn't say anything. "Look... I know that was your mom and all but she had to go. She had it coming".

"You're right. Sometimes bad people need to die" he said.

"You don't hate me, right?" I asked. Don't call me crazy I just murdered his mother in cold blood. "I could never hate you" he said. Feeling his hand grab mine. "She needs to sleep in her own room" he said.

"I know I'll work on that tomorrow" I said. The next morning I didn't even remember what happened. The kids were all in the kitchen causing havoc as usual. "Kai can you just leave Salem alone?".

"No cause she's always bothering me!" He said. Shaking my head as I watch these two go back and forth. "Kai we have soccer today so after you eat go get ready" I said. He got up and sped to his room. Delano came from pantry "damn I almost forgot about soccer today".

"You're coming right?" I asked. He nodded "of course. I working miss his game". Kai came out with his uniform on "ready!". I feel so bad for his coach for his hyper ness. We all packed up in the car going to his game. When we got there he sped off to his other team mates. "Who would've thought we would be here?" Delano said.

"I know, right" looking around I'm seeing the other parents with their child. I needed a picture of Kai in his uniform looking all handsome.

You couldn't tell me Kai wasn't Delano's twin

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You couldn't tell me Kai wasn't Delano's twin. That boy didn't come out with nothing from me. "He looks so serious!" Delano said.

"He's serious for winning the game. And he needs a haircut!" I said.

"For what? He wants to be like me. When he gets older and wants to cut his hair then fine with me" Delano said.

We sat in the small bleachers and watched his game. This has to be the only time I've seen him focused. Let me find our soccer was the solution this whole entire time. "You know you can put Salem in her stroller".

"You tell her that. Anytime I put her down or off my lap she holds onto me" he said.

"She has you wrapped around her finger" I said. Ryan was all into cheering his brother on. His team was actually winning. "Ryan how come you don't join a sport?".

"For what? I'll let Kai take that over" he said. After his team won... we took him out as a reward for actually participating and winning. At home, the kids were somewhat quiet for now. Hopefully that game tired Kai out to even bother Salem.

"Did you cover your tracks with everything?" Delano asked as he was taking off his shirt.

"Of course! I'm not stupid or careless. Her body will never be found that's for sure" feeling his arms wrapping around my waist "What are you doing?".

"I don't know if you remember... you said once my mother goes then I'm off punishment" he said.

"I don't recall saying that" I said.

"Really? I have the whole conversation recorded on my phone. You want to hear it yourself?" He asked.

"Aren't we slick?" He turned me around "not slick just really horny". Leaning into kiss me that's when Salem started crying. He sighed "we need a night we can just have to ourselves so I can be in you all night long". Pushing him back "but for right now that's not going to happen. We would need a babysitter and since we don't have any of those..."

"Damn that's right... I'll figure something out" he said.

"Good luck with that" I left him there to tend to Salem. After calming her down I left her in her room. I honestly don't even know why she was crying to begin with. "Is she okay?".

"Yeah she's fine" the television caught my attention. They were mentioning about Delano's mom. How she hasn't been heard from since Monday. Hmm?. But no one is really worried because she has done this before. Disappearing for long periods of time. Either the universe is working with me or I have some luck on my back. Was it suppose to be this easy?. First Bria and now her.

Shrugging it off I went back to deciding what I wanted to make for dinner. It feels good to not have to worry about anyone!

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