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I was hanging out with Bria most of the day at her place

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I was hanging out with Bria most of the day at her place. She was in love with Salem so she wanted me to come over to chill. "Delano still harassing you to move?" she asked.

"Of course! But he doesn't understand there's so much I have to do before I move. It's not like before when it was just me. I have three children and two of them are school aged now" I said.

"Yes and you have this beautiful being too" Bria said.

"I just wish Delano would try and let me do what I have to do before he goes on buying a new house" I said.

"Well because Delano is just as hard headed as you. Hence why you two are always arguing. Two strong personalities will do that" she said.

"True... it just seems he gets upset anytime I won't do what he says" I said. Bria was too focused on Salem at this point "Can I have her? She's too adorable".

"You can have your own" I joked.

"Psshhh not me! I'm good. You can have all the kids for me. After what I seen what you went through with Kairo I don't even want kids" she said.

Looking at the time... "well let me get going. Have to pick up Ryan from school". Bria just attached Salem's face with kisses "leave her here".

"Sorry but her daddy is coming to see her.. so" I extended my arms out so she can hand Salem over to me. "I'll call you" I said. She smiled "okay be safe". When I left her place I made my way to Ryan's school. Parked outside I waited for Ryan. He came running to the car. "Hey mom!" He said.

"How was school?" I asked.

"It was good" he said. As long as Ryan had a good day then I was cool. We parked in the lot and made our way to the second floor. Ryan stopped and yelled "mom! something is wrong!!". Meeting him and looking at my door that was kicked in. "Look stay here with Kairo and Salem". I slowly pushed open the door with my elbow. I didn't say anything I just looked around. My place was trashed. Realizing no one was here I called Delano.

"Hey baby! What's up?" He said.

"Nothing just had an old fashion home robbery" I said.

"Wait? What?! Are you okay?! Are the kids okay!" He asked.

"The kids are fine. I'm in my car cause I don't want to destroy any evidence" I said.

Don't move I'll be there in five" he said. Hearing his keys and the car door open and close. "Okay" I ended the call. "Mom why would someone break into our place?" Ryan asked.

Shrugging "I have no idea". This was stressing me out. Putting my face between my arms that were stretched on the steering wheel. Ryan rubber my back "it's okay". I glanced at him and smiled "I know".

Seeing Delano's truck suddenly stop. He jumped out "you guys okay?". Ryan and Kairo nodded. He looked at me "How about you?"

"Everything is my apartment is trashed or broken. Like, why would someone break into my place for?" I asked.

"It's a robbery Gia. The person probably just randomly picked your apartment. Did you call the cops?".

"No not yet. I haven't even been in my apartment to see what's missing" I said.

"Listen let me take the kids to your dads and then we can go through the place and see what's missing" he suggested. "Okay" I said. He grabbed Ryan and Kairo and then took Salem. I waited for him to return. Looking up at the window I saw my curtains where ripped as well. It's like everything I've worked for went down the drain. Delano finally returned. "Let's go!" He said. We went back upstairs and Delano walked in first. He motioned for me to walk in behind him.

"Wow whomever did this... really trashed the place" he said. I was too busy picking up pictures that were ripped in pieces. Tears filled my eyes cause these are pictures I could never get back. "Who would do this?".

Delano came up behind me and hugged me "I don't know but we'll call the cops so they can get some type of evidence or fingerprints". The picture of Delano and I was ripped in tiny pieces. "See now if you moved in with me you wouldn't be in this situation".

"Not now Delano okay. I already told you why I wasn't moving in with you. It's either you get it or just stop asking" I said. His comments were at the wrong time. I just got robbed and he's going to say some dumb shit like that. "I'm just saying... you wouldn't be here right now".

"Oh my god! Delano can you just leave. I can handle it from here" I walked away from him. He stood there dumbfounded "what did I do?".

"Just leave me alone!"I yelled. Of course he didn't leave he stayed but was quiet. The cops came and looked around and saw the front door was kicked in. Nothing major was missing though. They just trashed my apartment behind recognition. "Would you know of anyone who would want to do this to you?" The cop asked.

"No! No one" I said.

He frowned "well I can put this report in but it's not likely we will find who did this".

"I figured that" I said. The cop left and I stood in the middle of the ruble. My whole life as in tiny pieces on the ground. Just when you think life is going great something always comes along to wake you up.

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