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"Hello Gia! Where's Delano?" My therapist asked.

"He's not here" I said.

"Oh, I was hoping to have him here as well" she said.

"Yeah not today. He's been lying about somethings so..." I said.

"Tell me about it" I explained to her how he's been hiding the real truth about Bria. "I don't get why lie about it".

"Hmm... sounds if he tells you the truth he may be afraid you might get up and leave" she said.

"Yeah but he doesn't know that. Maybe I'll try and work things out. Instead he rather just hide it from me and just go on with life" I said.

"Delano comes from a family who doesn't lose. And he probably has never lost anything. Except you. When you called it quits years ago. You are his only failure which he's trying everything to not let that happen again. He's a sore loser".

"Then why marry me?" I asked.

"He loves you. From what I saw when he was here. You saw genuine love. But also Delano is a man. They think with one thing all the time" she said.

"You know Delano is the only man ever to show me love. The correct love. The love I never got from my parents or anyone. He showed me that even though I pushed him away numerous times. He was patient with me too. Never rushed me. But to know he's lying to my face... it makes me question the man he is".

"Gia, sometimes love can be a tricky thing. It caused heartache and pain. But it suppose to be the best feeling on earth".

"Yeah okay. I had a panic attack the other day. Came out of nowhere".

"Sometimes when your body is under stress it can trigger one. You may feel fine but subconsciously you aren't".

"If I threaten Delano he will tell me everything but how can I trust he's telling me... everything" I said. I needed to speak to someone who would know all that Delano won't tell me. Searching google I found the location I was looking for. I had exactly four hours before I had to go pick up Ryan and Kai from school.

Driving as fast as I can without getting pulled over. I needed to speak to this one person who would know. About forty five minutes later I pulled up to this small house. Very secluded. Getting out of the car I walked up to the door. Knocking twice. She opened the door "Gia? Why are you here? How did you find me? Shit, was it that easy?".

"Look Emmalee I need to talk to you. We never had bad blood. So at least can we talk?". She moved out the way and motioned me to come in. "What's up?".

"Umm... maybe you would know. But what was the relationship between your brother and Bria?" I asked. She looked uncomfortable at first "shouldn't you be asking him this?".

"He won't tell me the whole truth" I said.

"He can be so stupid sometimes. They started dating right after you guys split up. I thought it was odd and disgusting on his part for dating your sister. But after getting to know Bria she was nice. My mom liked her a lot. They were always together. You didn't see one without the other. They were the couple people strived to be. About a year and a half my brother called it quits. My mom didn't want him going back with you so she got Madison to step in. And you see where that went. But Delano couldn't stop messing with Bria. I do know they were heavy within the marriage. But then you two started seeing each other in the midst of all of this. Bria wasn't happy. She tried talking Delano into not seeing you. But we all know how Delano gets when he's with you. Then you got pregnant and Madison was no more in a sense".

"So he never messed with Bria while he was with me?" I asked.

"That night he left the house because of the argument you had. He went to see her. And well I shouldn't have to piece together what happened next. Hence why she claimed she was pregnant. Wake up gia!". My mouth dropped wide open. All this time he was messing with Bria and made me think it was nothing to him. He's a liar and a coward.

"Thanks" I said.

"Are you okay? I can imagine hearing news like this would be a lot to take in. You know I never had an issue with you gia. I do believe you fit best with my brother. But it's him that's the real problem. He doesn't know what he wants. But he's stringing you along as he figures it out".

"Well we are married now. So it makes everything that much harder" I said.

"He married you? Wow. Congrats!" She said.

"Thanks anyway I'm going to go and try and figure out what I'm going to do on the drive back" I said. She nodded "yeah no problem. And do me one favor? Don't tell anyone my location".

I nodded "okay".

We said our goodbyes and I drove back home. My mind was everywhere. What do I do? I can leave and take the kids. But the whole marriage thing will make that difficult. I could confront him but he'll just lie or justify what I say. My head was starting to hurt from all this thinking.

Definitely, had to figure something out and fast.

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