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Delano came into my place like a damn hurricane and well he shows me why I keep going after him. We laid in the bed trying to catch our breaths. "Why the hell are you so..." I asked.

"Because my mother won't bother us no more. My sister well she has a woman after her and Madison she's just dumb" he smiled.

"Yeah right... your mother lives to harass us" I said. He grabbed me to lay on him. Tracing his fingers up and down my arm "I'm serious. I found out she was stealing from me. Called the cops and now she's in jail and will be there for a very long time". I jumped up "oh hell no! Salty Susan will not be taking money like that. Where's my clothes?".

"Gia relax... she's in jail. Doesn't matter. And I'm getting majority of my money back" he pulled me back on the bed. "She's going to get what she deserves" I said.

Leaning in to give him a kiss "I'm so happy for you. It's about time you live your life for you and no one else".

Salem started to get fussy. I already knew a cry was coming. I got up and went to get her. Bringing her back into the room... Delano held out his hands "let me hold her". I nodded and handed a fussy Salem to him. Not knowing if she would need me. I stood there for a minute. But Delano had her calm. She knows her daddy. Smiling I went to get bottle. Breast feeding wasn't happening for me this time around.

Delano took the bottle from me and started feeding her. "She's so adorable. We make great kids" he said.

"We do... but three is enough. I don't want anymore. We got our two boys and now a girl. I'm done" I said. He nodded "understandable... when will ryan and Kairo come home?".

"Whenever I go for them, why?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to go. I want to surprise them" he said. He continued to feed Salem who was falling asleep in his arms. "Just put on a shirt please" I said. He winked at me. But of course Delano never listens to me. We put Salem in his car and I got in. He got in and out his shades on. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded "yeah let's go".

"You can't come into my dads home with no shirt on" I said

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"You can't come into my dads home with no shirt on" I said. He turned to me "and why not?".

"Because my dad doesn't play that. Unless you want one of his big ass shirts" I said. Delano sucked his teeth "your dad loves me so he'll let me slide".

"You dropped major points for when you... Well you know" I said. He didn't answer... "I know this is off topic but remember when we met?".

"Oh you mean how creepy you were? Then yes I remember".

[eight years before]

"Since we both need a job... there's a beach that needs workers" Bria said.

"A beach? It's too hot for that" I whined.

"Oh stop! When you get your paycheck every week you'll be thankful. But we have to go by the main office and fill out an application first" she said. Listen we needed money but a beach... like we couldn't get somewhere with air conditioning?.

"Let's go then. Might as well get this over with" I said. Bria nodded and we were on our way to this beach. Once we got there I wasn't too sure about this place. Bria got out the car and opened my door "Come on!".

Sighing loudly "fine". We walked up to the office and opened the door. A young white man was sitting at the desk. He glanced up at us but focused his eyes on me. "Can I help you " he asked.

Bria spoke up "we are here to fill out an application". He looked through his papers and handed her one "does your friend here need an application?" He asked. Bria modded "Yeah! Gia come get it!".

Walking up to him and taking the application but he didn't let go. "You can let it go" I said. He smirked "oh yeah sorry". Bria and I were next to each other just filling out this paper. "Why are there so many questions?" I whined. The man cleared his throat "any questions?".

I was about to say something but Bria kicked my leg under the table. We shook our heads and he smiled and walked back to his desk. Bria was done first. She got up and handed him the paper. He looked it over and glanced at Bria "Are you sure you can handle working here?".

"Me? Of course" she smiled.

"Alrighty you can start on Monday. Seven a.m sharp" he said. She smiled "thank you!. Gia I'll meet you at the car". I know she didn't just leave me here alone with this man. Finally done doing this ridiculous application... I got up and handed it to him. He smirked and didn't break from my stare. "You can't read it when your looking at me" I said.

He looked down at the paper and made a noise "so You live on your own?".

"Why? That isn't part of the job questions" I said.

"I know the address... just asking" he said. Can we hurry the hell up?. He glanced up at me again with a smirk. "Can I ask what's so amusing?".

"Amusing? No...but—- Nevermind" He said.

"No... speak up. I don't want to stand here and see you smirking the whole entire time" I said.

"I just like what I see that's all. You got the job. Congrats" he said.

"Are we done here?" I asked.

He nodded "yup. Be here six on Monday morning".

"Wait you just told bria seven and I have to be here at six?!" He's lost his damn mind.

"Well Gia. If you must know I rather you be here extra early so you can help me with products coming in" he said.

"Products? This is a beach" I said.

"Beach needs chairs and tables right?" He asked.

"Whatever" I turned around about to walk out.

"Bye Gia!" He said. But the tone of voice was different. "Yeah whatever". Hearing him laugh as I walked out. He's such a creep. Bria was in the car "why did you leave me in there alone?".

"Because I was done. Why?"she asked.

"That man is a creep telling me to be here a whole hour early" I said.

"Let me find out boss man already has a liking to you" she teased.

"Don't even play" I warned.

[present year]

And now I'm sitting here with the same man three kids later. Who would've thought? Actually since everyone knew about his liking to me but me. The way life works.

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