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Before I lose it.. I needed to speak to my therapist. I arranged an emergency appointment. She has no idea on why I'm even coming. Convincing Delano to give me a ride there. He doesn't realize it either but I'm going to try to get him to see her as well.

His nightmares have been in the regular. Even though he lies about how fine he is. On the way there it was quiet. It seems Delano was just in his own world. "We are here" he said. Stopping right in front of the building.

"Look I'm not dumb. You need to speak to her as well. You are not okay" I said.

He sucked his teeth "Gia I'm fine. I don't need someone to tell me what I already know". Why are men so stubborn?.

"Delano I wouldn't recommend this if I didn't care about you. Please come with me" he sighed "fine I'll come with you but I'm doing this for you". I smiled "I'll take that". He went to park the car and we walked together to her office. As soon as we walked through the door she greeted us.

"Gia? Hello. And this is?" She asked looking at Delano.

"I'm Delano her husband" he said.

"Oh... wow... okay. Actually this is good. Come on in" she said. Delano eyed me and followed right behind her. "Take a seat" she motioned. Talk about being nervous. I didn't want Delano to be rude. He already seemed annoyed that he was here with me. "So Gia, what's going on?".

"Umm... I experienced a miscarriage. Not knowing I was even pregnant" I said.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. And how are you both holding up?".

"Well I thought I was fine. But I guess I was still in shock before my emotions got the best of me" I said.

"Delano you're awfully quiet. How has this miscarriage affected you?".

"It didn't. I'm fine. I'm just here for Gia" he said.

"Delano I'm a therapist. I deal with so many different people on a daily basis. So I know when someone is bottling up their feelings. I can see right through you. And I want to say it's okay to talk to me" Delano signed again.

"He thinks I don't know he has nightmares every night. Even Salem notices the nightmares but she just puts a pillow over his face. That little girl is something else. Don't ask me why she's still sleeping with us. But I know he's suffering. Just talk to her. So we can eventually move past this".


"Gia doesn't know but I saw everything. From when she was in the floor to when they brought her in. All that blood I saw with my eyes. The pain of knowing our baby... our innocent baby was no longer there. As parents we are suppose to protect our children. And I couldn't protect this one" he said.

"Don't blame yourself for a miscarriage. There's nothing you could've done" she said.

"Gia tell her how you miscarried..." Delano said.

"Was it not a regular miscarriage?" She asked.

"No, Bria was waiting for me at the appointment and she started to get in my face. So I snapped and we started fighting. She ended up overpowering me and well that's how the miscarriage happened" I said.

"Oh... did Bria know you were pregnant or suspected it by any chance?".

"Not that I know of. I didn't even know I was pregnant".

"This is all my fault. All of it. If I didn't give Bria the time of day. Our baby would be alive" Delano said. It wasn't the right time to point fingers. But he did have a small point. "You can't go around blaming yourself. You didn't know that dating Bria that she would turn out like this. You can't see into the future".

This was a little weird to see Delano spilling out his feelings. But let me keep my mouth shut and let him talk.

"Delano let me ask.. do you have a thing for women who need you in many ways than one?" She asked.

He shrugged "never really thought about it".

"Gia has told me about your mother and messed up she was towards you. And I'm starting to piece together that in a way you seem to be attracted to woman who will always need you".

"No offense, but I didn't come here to get a self evaluation" he said. She nodded "You're right. But I'm here to tell you the miscarriage wasn't any of your faults. You have three children who needs you both".

"Except Salem she just wants her dad... all the time" I said. Delano smiled "she's my princess".

"See how she always needs you? You have this neediness complex. And I mean we can blame your mother for not feeding you that from when you were a toddler".

Delano didn't say anything. I wasn't expecting him to take over this session. But I'm happy he spoke about his feelings. "Listen I would love for you both to come again" I smiled "oh we will, thank you".

We walked out of there and to the car. Before starting the car he glanced at me "I'm not that needy, right?".

I shrugged "I don't know. I never paid mind to it".

When we got home we picked up Salem from daycare and she was happy to see Delano. In her world I don't exist. Sad to say. Just watching how they were bonding and Salem was controlling the whole thing. But Delano's face was wide with a smile. Maybe the therapist was right.

We definitely have to go see her again. There's things I want to know about Delano that he won't talk about.

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