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I went to go pick up my motorcycle from the shop. When I went with Gia the guy said it wouldn't be ready for another day. That wasn't a problem for me. But this time gia decided to stay home. Didn't blame her though especially since she's been dealing with these crazy headaches.

Had to pick up a few things for Salem. So I made a pit stop at the grocery store. This little girl is all about her cereal. I blame Gia for this cause she was eating cereal heavy during her pregnancy. Racking up a good four boxes in the cart I went to check out.

"Excuse me? Sir" a man said. Turning around I already know who it is. "What?" I said.

"That's no way to talk to a cop" he smirked.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Bria told me you been harassing her lately. Stay away from her!" He said. I laughed "it's the other way around".

"She doesn't want you when she has me" he said.

"Yeah okay, you need to keep tabs on your girl. She's a little nutty. Maybe you knew that already. She comes near me again and she'll be locked up" I said.

"Are you dumb? Bria doesn't want you. So stop harassing her or else" he said. I'm not afraid of anything well... one thing and that's Gia up and leaving me with the kids. But this fool isn't scaring me. "Or else what?" I stood up closer to him.

"Or I will go after Gia. I know she's the one thing you are crazy about" he said.

"Listen, go do your job. Instead of bothering me over a nutty bitch" I said.

"A nutty bitch you keep harassing" he said.

"Let me school you right quick. That nutty bitch won't get off my nuts. I never liked her like that. She was a temporary piece of ass. That's it. Then she wants to try and pin a baby on me. Knowing it wasn't mine! I'm not stupid. Nor do I know Bria's sexual history so I wrapped it up. So when you go home tonight please explain to her I don't want her so leave me and Gia alone. Or she will be in jail especially with the newly information I have on her. Attempted murder charge. Don't fuck with me" I said.

He stood there like he was mad. Mad for what? Hearing the truth?. He pushed me. "All lies! She doesn't want you!". Now usually I would never intentionally fight a cop but I'm not going to let him beat me up either. "Touch me again" I said. I saw a woman recording what was going on. I wanted her to get him putting his hands on me first. He touched me way too many times so I went crazy.

Putting him in a headlock so he would stop trying to come after me. But he was acting like a pig in a cage. So I had to put him down. I didn't want to hurt him. Again, he's a cop. I put him in a sleep hold until he stopped moving. Slowly putting him down on the ground. The woman came up to me "Uh Uh I saw what he did. Let me see your face. I'm getting all of this on video". I got her name and number and told her to send it to me.

When I walked inside the house Gia's mouth dropped open "oh my gosh what happened to you?!". She came up to me looking at my face. "Bria's man was looking for a fight. So he hit me and I put him to sleep".

"Delano are you crazy for putting your hands on a cop?! You can go to jail for that!" She said.

"Nah we are good. A woman was recording so he can't even lie" I said. She went to the freezer and got an ice pack. "Here our this on your face". My phone lit up so I knew she sent me the video. "Gia look" I handed her my phone. She played the video and gasped "oh wow!. He purposely targeted you. And for one person too. Pshhh Bria said your harassing her. Yeah okay!. But he did touch you first so he's going down".

"Told you! I could've hurt him but I chose not to. So all I did was put him in a headlock and then the sleep hold" I said. She gave me back my phone "I sent myself a copy just Incase".

This is nothing

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This is nothing. So I'm not that upset. This will go away in a week. Salem came in and looked at me. Then she looked at her cereal. She looked like she was in a tough decision battle. Either come to me or go to get cereal. She walked right over to the cereal and isn't even worry about me.

Gia came over to me to see how the mark was forming. "Just keep the ice pack on it". Salem didn't like the fact gia was touching me. She came over screaming pushing Gia back. "Salem?! Daddy is hurt. Relax". That didn't stop her. Picking her up she sat on my lap.

"I wonder How's she's going to deal with she starts school and she can't be around you for half the day" she said.

"No idea. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. But right now I'm going to take mister rent a cop down. And then if Bria approaches me again she's going to jail. I'm done playing these games now. And if her daddy want some he can get some" I said.

"I love when you talk all tough" Gia said.

"Oh really? I can keep talking. Wait until Salem goes down for her nap. I'm tearing it up" I smirked.

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