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Talk about being depressed. I've called out of work for three days now claiming I was sick. Even taking Ryan to school was a chore for me. I didn't want him to see me like this. Kairo has noticed something is wrong with me... so he's been clinging to me. He sees me in bed he cuddles with me and gives me kisses.

Trying my best to not think about Delano but how I'm sitting here pregnant and all. Never mind he's been in the papers too because Madison and him funded some program. "This must be karma for the times I've pushed him away".

"Mommy are you okay?" Kairo asked. He was laying with me watching TV. "Yeah I'm okay. Thank you for laying with me" I said.

"Your welcome" he smiled. Such a cutie even though he's a little crazy. Delano hasn't seen the boys for a week. I don't even know what's going on with that. Nor do I want to even think about it. I've been distracting them both especially ryan he's been asking everyday when Delano was coming to pick him up.

As time passed by I was getting Kairo ready so we can go get Ryan from school. My phone started going off "Hello?".

"Mom it's me Ryan" he said.

"Why are you calling me? I'm coming now to pick you up" I said.

"No you don't have too. Dad came to pick me up" he said.

"Nice of him to let me know... tell him next time he wants to do things like this to please send me a text" I said.

"Okay I'll tell him" he said. Turning back and looking at Kairo who seemed confused on why we aren't leaving. "I guess your dad picked up Ryan so..."



Last minute decision I went to get Ryan from school. I felt so bad not seeing him or Kairo. That's not the father I want to be. Plus, I know I owe Ryan an explanation on what's going on. I was going to tell
Gia I was going to go pick him up. But I wasn't ready to talk to her yet. She's going to be annoyed I went this route but whatever.

Ryan was excited when he saw me "hey dad!". I smiled "get in you're coming over today".

"Does mom know?" He asked.

"Nope... so call her and let her know I picked you up"  handing him my phone. Over hearing the conversation I sighed. When he was done he gave me back my phone. "Where have you been dad?" He asked.

"Busy... but I also wanted to talk to you" I said.

"Okay" He said.

"I know you wanted mom and I to get back together but that's not going to happen. Madison and I are working things out. I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I got your hopes up. But just know mom and I love you and it'll be like it was before" I said.

"Do you hate mom or something?" He asked.

"Hate? Never" I said.

"Oh... I guess so. I can't do anything about it. But what about the baby?" He asked. I didn't want to even discuss Salem. That's what hurts the most. "She'll be fine. As long as she has love from all of us then she's good".

"So that's why mom has been crying so much.." he said.

"I'm sorry Ryan I truly am" I said.

"Maybe you should apologize to mom too" he said.

"I will in due time. She's still upset at me" I said. He didn't say anything else. He was quiet for the most of the ride back to my home. When we got there Madison greeted us with a huge smile. I didn't want to even be bothered with her. Ryan and I walked right inside without saying anything to her. "Hungry?".

He nodded "are you going to be there when Salem is born?".

"I hope so. That's up to your mother. But if not I understand her decision". Knowing Gia she will exclude me from the birth. I stood there in a deep thought while Ryan was eating. He glanced at me "You miss mom don't you?".

Of course I do. But I didn't answer the question. I don't know if I could keep doing this. Even if I wanted to talk to gia she won't give me the time of day. I don't have much time to fix this either.



Glancing at the clock I see it's time for Ryan to come home. Looking out the window waiting to see Delano's truck come in view. I had Bria here so she can get Ryan for me. "He's here" I said.

Bria rolled her eyes "why do I have to go and see Delano?!".

"Just go. Cause if I see him I might kill him" I said. Watching everything from the window. Ryan came inside and smiled "hey mom".

"Have fun with your dad?" I asked.

He shrugged "it was okay". Waiting for Bria to come back but damn she's taking forever. Delano's truck finally pulled off. Bria came in "so he says he wants to speak to you whenever you're ready to. And he wants to apologize as well. And some other stuff too. But I zoned out after a while".

"I don't want to talk to him" I said.

"See I told him that but he insist you guys talk" she said. I don't want to talk to him. For what?. He's going to say sorry for hurting me?. Might as well save it.

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