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It's been a few days since I've even talked to Delano. We may be in the same house but I don't want to speak to him. I'm tying my best not to make it obvious that the kids know something is wrong.

Thank god for work. At least that got me out the house for a couple of hours. Away from Delano. I wouldn't be so upset if he didn't lie to me. He kept this lie going instead of just telling me the truth.

Honestly at this point I was slowly losing my mind. Every time I even looked at him I can see Bria on him. He was starting to smell like her. Which made me not want to be anywhere near him. Even when he tries to touch me I just squirm away.

"Hey Gia!" Ron smiled.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing new, are you okay? You seem a little down" he said.

"Nothing that you need to be bothered by" I said.

"You won't be bothering me. What's up?" He asked.

"Just found out my husband was cheating on me. I'll leave it there. It's just every time I look at him I see the woman he cheated on me with" I said.

"Wow! I'm sorry to hear that. I mean how can someone come back from that" he said.

"Exactly... that's what I'm trying to figure out. I have three children to worry about too. Salem loves her dad it would hurt her to be away from him. She already doesn't like me too much. This would be the straw that broke the camels back".

"Salem is young though. If anything when she gets older just explain to her what happened. She can't hate you forever" he said.

"You don't know Salem" I joked.

"You know what... I have a vacation home in Santa Cruz, California. You could take the kids and go there for a week or two and just have a peace of mind" he said.

"Thanks Ron! But I wouldn't want to impose my issues on you" I said.

"Gia you are a good girl. You deserve the best and only the best. I'm offering this to you so you can get your mind right" looking at him he handed me the paper with the address of the home. "Think about it at least". I nodded "I will thanks". He walked away. Google mapping the home it was beautiful and right on the beach. The kids would love this.

When I got home... Salem was with Delano on the couch just cuddling. She's been extra clingy ever since she witnessed our fight. I wish she was old enough to understand what's really going on. Looking at the clock I didn't even realize I had to go back out to pick up Ryan and Kai.

Luckily, I wasn't late. They both got in the car. It was silent for a minute before Ryan spoke. "What's going on with you and dad?".

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You guys aren't talking to each other. And I heard him talking to himself" he said.

"Nothing, just adult issues" I smiled.

"Are you guys going to split up, again?" Kai asked.

"No we aren't splitting up. But onto a better topic how would you guys feel to take a vacation to California with me?" I asked.  They both looked at each other "it's on the beach where we would stay".

"Is dad coming too?" Kai asked.

"He can't be has to work. So it'll be us and Salem" I said.

They shrugged.

"Don't we deserve a vacation?" I asked.

"We do. But I guess so" Ryan said.

I keep forgetting I have two older boys who aren't stupid to what's going on. But at the same time I don't want to tell them what's going on and they end up hating Delano. "I love you guys you know that".

"Yeah we know. Mom we will go on vacation with you" he smiled. I know that was forced but I'm happy he ended up coming with me. Kai was just in his own world. This is what I didn't like about the whole situation. I don't want our kids to be hurting or thinking anything is their fault.

"Just don't tell dad though. He'll be too upset he's not going" I smiled. They both nodded. Salem will be my problem though. Unless I get Kai to distract her in order for us to get going to California in a day or two. The kids had spring recess for a week so this hit perfect timing.

We got home and the boys went to do what they usually do. Salem followed Kai around as usual. The tension was thick. Went to the kitchen to see a bouquet of flowers on the table in a vase with a note in it. Sighing cause he's trying with these gifts. Reading the note he explained how sorry he was and how much he loved me. Ripping up the note and just throwing it on the ground.

I know he saw me do that. He can't just keep doing things and think oh if I buy her this or that then everything will be okay. At this point I do believe Bria and him deserve each other. Just thinking of that I got nauseous. Running to the bathroom I threw up.

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