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"So Gia please tell me how are you doing? It's been a long time since we last spoke" my therapist said

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"So Gia please tell me how are you doing? It's been a long time since we last spoke" my therapist said.

"Umm.. well I got married. Surprise!. And the kids are good. Except Salem is trying to run the house. And I have my ex friend trying to ruin my marriage" I said.

"And why would she do that?" She asked.

"I found out when Delano and I broke up that they dated for six months. She ended up pregnant. Aborted the baby but now she's mentally crazy. She's trying to tell Delano that our son isn't his. I opened up to him about certain things Bria did to me. Like one time the guy she liked ended up kissing me but blamed me. Or how she nearly killed me cause she drugged me in order for her boyfriend at the time to sleep with me".

"Bria? Isn't that your half sister?" I nodded "yup that's her".

"And she drugged you in order for a guy to rape you?" She asked.

"Exactly, she never got in trouble though. Money talks".

"Gia you know when one is abused in any way it's like a stamp on your foreheads. Most manipulators can spot people like you dead on. Bria I would say was one of them. She saw how weak you were and fed off of that. Once she practiced her way with you and you allowed her then she knew".

"Practiced?" I asked.

"Yes, you know how for example. Some controlling men will test their woman by telling them what to wear. Once they conquered that it'll be something else. And something else until they have complete control. Bria did the same thing. And you didn't even realize it".

"I'm still confused" I said.

"Let me try and explain it better: that's like Bria asking you to go somewhere with her but knowing you'll say no. But you always end up going for her. Or she'll get you to do something for her. Then it's oh well he wants to sleep with you. You said no which is great. But she's not used to you saying no to her. So instead she took it upon herself to get what she wanted".

"Oh! Wow! I never thought about it that way" I said.

"Bria knew where you came from. And she still took advantage of it. People like that I call them sociopaths".

"Great! First I married a narcissist and now I was friends with a sociopath. I tell you my life keeps getting better" I said.

"Who says anything about a narcissist?" She asked.

"Oh sorry, I was talking about Delano" I said.

"Interesting you called him that, why?"  She asked.

"Because he has to always have his way. It's always about him. And he craves attention. Like, to sleep with Bria only because she showed you a little interest?. Come on now".

"I wouldn't say Delano is a complete narcissist. He has their tendencies but I can surely believe he got that from his mother".

"You got a really good point" I said.

"I always tell people narcissism is hereditary. But no one believes me". There goes the headache again slowly approaching. I held my head "here we go!".

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah it's just I've been getting these headaches lately".

"Oh okay. So otherwise than Bria being a nuance everything else is fine?".

"Yeah pretty much. I have a daughter who's stuck to her father like glue" I said.

"Aww really?!. That's cute. Was Delano there for the birth?" She asked.

"No he wasn't. That was a long story. But he did come the day after" I said.

"Even though Salem won't even know he wasn't there but with your pregnancy he missed out on majority of it, correct?".

I nodded "yeah".

"Sometimes I wonder if Salem is attached to Delano cause she's afraid he'll leave?. He wasn't there for her birth or majority of the pregnancy. She didn't hear him while in the womb".

"Funny you say that my son Kai would always talk to her when I was pregnant. Hmm... I wonder if that's why she likes to bother him and follow him around?".

My therapist smiled "the things you notice".

"I just wish this Bria thing would just go away".

"Bria, is past the jealously stage. Now it's envy. She wants what you have. In her brain she feels you don't deserve to have Delano or the children. She feels you should be in her shoes. Envy can cause all stir of emotions from people. In your case I would say take out a restraining order. Or she might do something drastic".

"I mean she already kidnapped my daughter saying Salem should be hers".

"My point exactly. She wants your life right now. How is your father?".

"Who? What father?" I asked.

"So I take it you don't speak to him Anymore?" She asked.

"No, he tried to blame me for she Bria lost her mind and why she kidnapped my daughter. But when I wouldn't accept the blame he told me to just stay away from him and everyone else".

"And now you see where Bria gets it from. Gia just focus on your children and Delano. That's your family. You don't need anyone else. Even though Delano tends to do some outlandish things. He's still there for you cheering you on. Actually you think next session I can have you both here".

"I'll try" I said. Hopefully Delano doesn't give me lip about coming here.

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