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Ron is a good guy. He isn't involved with Delano's mom. It's the one you least expect to be...


[ by the way I love SZA's freckles!!]

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[ by the way I love SZA's freckles!!]

I was getting ready for work. Delano had Salem in his arms as he watched me getting dressed. "You know... with all of this stuff going on I rather you not leave the house".

"I bet you would love that" I said. But I'm not about to go back to the Gia I was years ago. Grabbing my keys I gave Delano a kiss and Salem a kiss. "Remember you also have to pick up Kai from school too". Delano nodded and made Salem wave at me.

Work wasn't too crazy today. It was rather quiet. Typing away on the computer... "Gia the manager wants to see you". Rolling my eyes cause I wasn't in the mood for his fuckery. Knocking the door he opened it motioning me to come inside. I stood up with my arms crossed "what?".

"What's with the attitude?" He asked.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

He smiled "please take a seat". Raising my brow I slowly sat down. "So?".

"I just wanted to apologize on behalf of what happened at the park. I couldn't stop thinking about it. That's not who I am" he said.

"That happened weeks ago and you already said you were sorry when my boyfriend was about to beat your ass" I said.

"He's a big guy... very intimidating" he got up and walked up to where I was sitting. "I mean he should be. He's protecting someone as beautiful as you". I swear I felt him smell me. Not even giving him a warning I swung my arm fast. Knocking him to the ground "you are a creep. What the fuck is wrong with you?".

"Me? You just hit me?" He yelled.

"You're lucky that's all I did. HR will be hearing about this. Fucking creep" I said. He groaned holding his nose. Opening the door I stormed back to where I was. Ron ran up to me "hey are you okay?".

"No that scum bag manager was trying to come onto me. And this wasn't the first time" I said. Ron looked back and saw him holding his nose with tissue. "Did you hit him?".

"Yeah I did. He was literally smelling me" I said.

Ron laughed "well you seemed to handle that well on your own".

"Im not the one he needs to worry about. Wait until I tell my boyfriend about what just happened. That nose will be broken" I said.

"Hey how about we go get something to eat. You need to get out of here for a bit" he said. I nodded "that sounds great let's go". I didn't even tell that asshole we were going on break. We ended up at a Mexican spot. "I love tacos!" He said.

"I'm still traumatized from the last time I had tacos I ended up in the hospital. They didn't realize the meat they put on the tacos touched the nuts back there. And I'm allergic to peanuts" I said.

"Shit are you serious? What did you do?" He asked.

"What could I do? I was half way dead and in Mexico and nevermind pregnant too" I said.

"Wow! That's crazy. You know my girlfriend is from Mexico" he said.

"Really? How did you guys meet?" I asked.

"My uncle lives in Texas right by the border. He had this young woman who would come and clean his home on the weekends. And when I saw her it was love at first sight. Now she was a little cautious with me for sometime. But eventually she opened up. But it was hard for me for a few years to love her the way she wanted".

"How come?" I asked.

"When you come from a past that you didn't experience love from your guardians it's hard" he said.

"You too... same here" I said.

"Yeah my mom was a nice woman but she had her own demons and couldn't grasp on being a mother. So she gave me up when I was four. From then I was in foster care. And those people don't really care about you all they want is that check they get. I rarely went to school. Or had food to eat. Even clean clothes wasn't an option. I never understood why my mom gave me up to live this life".

"My mom was the abuser... I was so used to feeling pain... anytime someone was being nice to me I would automatically expect the worst from them. My boyfriend and I been together for a long time. And I haven't said those three words to him yet".

"It took me a very long time to say those three words and it was uncomfortable for me at first. It's easy to say it and not have any feelings behind it. But I felt like I was robbing my girlfriend of that. And one day out of the blue I said it and that warm fuzzy feeling was there".

"Wow... hearing your story gives me hope" I said.

"I always say any abuse one suffers is life long. But it's up to you to let it go on mentally". He was right. "We have to go back to work" I said.

"Damn already? I feel like we just got here" he joked. We got up and started our walk back. When I got home I saw Delano in his office. He looked at me "How was work?".

"I made my managers nose bleed" I said. He stood up "what?!".

"He tried to come onto me so I hit him" I said. Delano walked over to me and looked me over "he didn't touch you right?!".

"No he didn't get a chance too" I said.

"I'll handle him tomorrow morning. I'll give you a ride to work. I warned him already before and it's obvious he didn't listen.. so now he'll have to deal with me" he said.

"And don't take it easy on him either" I said.

"At least you stood up for yourself. I'm proud of you for that" he said.

"He caught me at a bad time" I said.

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