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Looking at Salem she wasn't acting like her usual bossy self. Actually she's been laying on me this whole time. This is weird. Just letting her lay on me while she watched her shows. Gia walked through the door "why does she look like that?". She came up to us and sat down. Salem picked up her head and looked at Gia. "Relax I'm not going to touch daddy". Salem looked at Gia and then laid her head back on me. "She's so possessive over you!".

Feeling her forehead "damn she's burning up. You didn't realize she could be sick?". I shrugged "I just thought she was tired". Gia facepalmed herself "let me get the sick tool bin". It's an odd thing. But Gia has this tool bin that has every medicine and thermometer known to man. She came back with the big tool bin. "Salem? Can mommy take your temp?". I guess when Salem buried her face in my chest that meant no. Gia sighed "you might have to do this. She likes you better than me".

She handed me the thermometer "Salem can daddy take your temp?". Her head picked up and opened her mouth. Gia just shook her head. When the thermometer beeped like crazy. I removed it "one zero three point four".

"That's crazy high" Gia took a syringe and filled it up with Motrin. "Here give it to her" she said. I didn't even have to ask she took it like champ. After that she laid her head back on me. Kai walked in and she didn't even go after him. That's how you knew she was very sick. "Hopefully the Motrin works cause if not we have to take her in".

"She'll be fine. Just let her be" I said. A few hours later I noticed Salem was breathing a little hard. "Gia?".

"What?" She asked.

"We should take her in. Something is wrong" I said. We got her dressed and sped to the hospital. They had us in a room with machines going. Salem wanted no one else but me. As she was in my arms she had and IV in her pumping her with fluids.

The doctor came in to tell us she had a very bad cold. And in order for it not to turn to pneumonia we had to give her the medicine they were prescribing to her. But before we leave they wanted to give her a dose now. So we waited until the medicine set in. Once that happened she was sitting up playing with the things on the bed.

"Salem you okay?" Gia asked. She didn't respond. I repeated what his asked. Salem nodded. "You sure?". She nodded again. Ryan and Kai rarely got sick so this was new for me. We took her home and put her to bed. Well our bed.

"I feel so bad when she's sick" I said.

"Me too!. But you did a good job tending to her" she said.

"Well thank you. Now I can tend to you if you like" I smirked.

"That's tempting but remember we have two boys who are Nosey around here" she said.

"Damn that's right. We can wait until they all go to sleep and then we can go in my den and finish this up" I suggested.

"It's a date" she said. I peeked into our bedroom to check on Salem. She was awake just laying down. She put her hands out. "Look who I found?" I said. Gia moves Salem's hair out the way "feeling much better?".

She nodded. "Do you want to watch tv in our room or the living room?".

She pointed to me. "Okay I'll put on your show and you can lay down and relax". And that's exactly what I did. "Well since she's up I don't think we can finish up that date".

"You're right. Damn I was looking forward to it too" I said. Well I guess we were spending the night with Salem in our bed. Gia came out the shower with a mean mug. "Where the hell are all these pimples coming from?!. Like, I never have pimples!".

"Maybe that time of the month?" I asked.

"No it's too early. And I never get period pimples. I don't like this at all. Look?!" She pointed out the acne marks on her face. "I don't know. Have you changed your foods around?".

"No and even if I did. I don't get pimples. This is some bullshit. I'll have to get some acne creams tomorrow. I don't do pimples. I've always had clear skin".

"It'll go away. It's only pimples" I got up and hugged her. That's when Salem did a high pitched scream. I turned to her and she put her hands up. Gia laughed "she gets that from you. Now you know how it feels". I picked her up and went back to gia. But Salem extended her short arm pushing Gia back. "Little girl?! He's mine".

Salem moves my free arm to her as she laid on my chest. "You wanted a girl. There you go".

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