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"Delano you should go back to seeing my therapist. I know it helped you" my mom said. Glancing my dad he looked annoyed. Turning my attention to my mom she seemed like she didn't have anything else to say. She walked out of the room. I got up and walked over to my dad. Raising my hands he didn't hesitate to pick me up. He always rubs his beard on me and it tickles.

"You always know how to make daddy smile" he said. I liked being around my dad. That's when I heard the noise coming our way. Looking around I saw Kai running in. "Dad can you come play with me outside?!".

Giving Kai the side eye. "Yeah I guess I can" our dad said. He put me down and they started walking away. I started to whine a little. They stopped and turned around. Our dad looked at Kai and back at me "let your sister come along too".

Kai moaned "Why?".

I wanted to smile but then my cover will be blown. Our dad picked me up and took me outside. Kai May act like I annoy him but we have our moments. Especially that time our parents were arguing he took me to his room and just read to me. Ryan is much older so he doesn't really play with me like Kai does. And Ryan reminds me of mom.

When mom called us inside cause dinner was ready. Ryan is always the first one at the table. Dad put me in my high chair and I was placed right between Kai and mom. I liked causing commotion with Kai so I would be moved near dad.

That night I was right in the middle of both of them. But something was off. They didn't look happy. Dad got up and was going somewhere. It reminded me of that night he left. Mom and dad had a fight and he got up and left. He didn't come back until the next morning. Knowing he can leave at any moment scares me. That's why I always hang onto him.

Mom rolled over to me "you really have to start sleeping in your room". Why does she talk?. Dad doesn't kind I sleep in here. I got something for her later on in the night. "Leave her alone. She's comfy. In due time she'll sleep in her bed". Smiling I looked up "dada". He jumped up and smiled "See I told you she was saying dada".

"Show off. Plus she likes you more" mom said. I used my little hands to grab my dads face. The next morning I opened my eyes to see mom was getting up off the floor. She mean mugged me "like I didn't know you purposely pushed me off the bed". That's what you get for talking smack last night. My day was usually spent with my dad.

"Salem your coming with mommy and Kai today" she picked me up. Hold up?. Kai sighed "and don't bother me either!". I'm confused. She loaded me in the car and Kai got in. I wasn't a fan of going out with my mom. All she does is go to Starbucks and gets Kai something sweet and he goes nuts. As I predicted like clockwork. She went through the drive thru handing Kai a glazed donut. I don't know if she's slow but he doesn't need this. Before he could grab it I smacked it out of her hand. Causing it to crumble all over the floor.

"Mom! Salem just made a mess!" Kai yelled. She turned to see the donut crumbled on the floor. "Salem! Really?".

The boy is already hyper. Why would she give him sugar to add to it?. She's got to be slow. Definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'm too young for this.

"Well Kai you'll have to eat the school breakfast" my mom said. That's good. It's healthier for him. "Why is Salem even with us? Doesn't she stay with dad?".

That's what I'm saying!.

"Yeah But He has work to do" she said. We dropped Kai off to school which lead to just me and mom. It's going to be a long day. "Salem we have to stop to make you an appointment okay?".

Is she asking or telling me?.

We pulled up to this big office building. She grabbed me and we headed inside. Putting me down in the play area so she could make this pointless appointment. I sat there with some blocks just waiting. Until I saw the same man who was with auntie when she took me. He says he's grandpa but I have a chosen name for him. He was lurking around.  Now I may not like my mom but I don't like it when others try and harm her. That's my job!.

Looking at the blocks I took some and made a long stick. I slowly made my way to where he was. But he didn't see me. I left the long block stuck right in front of his foot. Going back to mom I raised my hands up. "Salem didn't I say stay in the play area until I'm done?". She picked me up anyway. Hearing a huge boom we turned around to see the laundry cart turned over. Clothes everywhere and the same man on the floor. I smiled to myself. "Let's get out of here". I couldn't agree more.

When we got home I ran to see dad. I hugged him so tight. "Did you have fun with mom?".

"No more!" I said. He laughed "oh come on you had Kai there too". Burying my head in his chest. It felt so good to be home.

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