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The two boys were at school so that left just me, Gia and Salem

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The two boys were at school so that left just me, Gia and Salem. I wanted to get my motorcycle checked out... Gia insisted she come with since she has nothing to do. "Since we have a minute before we get there I want to talk to you about something".

Turning to her cause usually when she said that it wasn't good "what about?".

"Remember last night when I was telling you some crazy stories about Bria. And I was about to talk about something but I stopped?. Well I feel like I should tell you about it. You know we are married so it's only right" she said.

"If you're sure you want to talk about it. Then I'm all ears" I said.

"Umm... well while we were working for you but before we slept together. Bria drugged me so her boyfriend at the time would sleep with me. It never happened cause my body rejected the drug causing me to go through an allergic reaction. I almost died".

When she said that I felt for Gia. I know she comes from a past of abuse. And Bria knew that as well and took complete advantage of it. Never understand if why be a friend but tear down instead of building up?. "Did Bria get in trouble?".

"No, she paid me to keep quiet. She was never sorry about it" she said.

"Gia, Bria was never a friend. You were so into what was going on with you, you couldn't see what she was doing. She almost killed you! Do you understand that? No friend kills another. The thing is you knew all of this and you had her around our children".

"I'm sorry! I thought every friendship goes through things. So it didn't occur to me that she didn't care about me. We had our good days though" she said.

"Listen, I don't want you around Bria. I tried before to separate you two for your own good. If i had known about this before she wouldn't be breathing. No offense but people like her shouldn't be able to breathe" I said.

"Don't worry she won't come around me. But she won't leave us alone" she said.

"Bria is on one mission and that's to destroy our new marriage. She's a jealous person. And the sounds of what you told me she's always been jealous of you! I don't get how you didn't see it".

She shrugged "I don't know. And I always wondered how come she only had me as a friend. I mean Mia was there but you saw the blow up" she said.

"Mia had to of known all Bria was doing to you. I can't believe her!" I said. When we reached the shop I got out to unload my bike. Gia stepped out with Salem to just get some fresh air. Salem wasn't too happy gia was holding her but she had no other choice. After speaking to the shop owner I came out "he said it'll be an hour so we have time".

"Well I'm hungry. So why don't we get something to eat?" Gia said. We walked to the nearest eatery. Salem started clapping her hands. Sitting down I placed Salem in her high chair. "So anymore stories about Bria?".

"I have tons. But I told you the major ones" she said.

"How come the hospital never did an investigation on the drug found in your system?" I asked.

"It's no secret Bria's family has money. So it's obvious the doctor was paid off to be quiet. Plus, her dad wouldn't want anything destroying her name".

"Wow! You two knew how to present your friendship to people. But the crazy thing is I wasn't going to actually hire her. The only reason I did it is so you would come work for me" I said.

"Why am I not shocked?" She asked.

"I saw what I like from early on and found a way to get you around. The only thing is I didn't know that the friend was a psycho". Gia smiled "well now we don't speak. And I'm okay with that. She fucked up".

"Gia I'm sorry that you can't trust people. I feel like you are missing out on having a healthy family and a healthy friendship. It's messed up that you were robbed of that for others selfish needs. I may have eyed you and took an opportunity but at the same time I tried to fix you. Build you up piece by piece".

I was upset that Bria nearly killed my wife, mother of my children because she was pleasing her boyfriend. Who does that?. Feeling bad for Gia though. Even though she's okay... but still. "Here comes the upset stomach" she said.

"You didn't eat though. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. This will pass just like the headache. I think with the stress of Bria my body is reacting to the bullshit" she said. Salem was actually being good for once. I was shocked. Or maybe because she was eating. Either way I'll take the good behavior.

When we were done... we made our way back to the shop. Of course Salem wasted no time having me hold her. With my free hand I slowly intertwined my hand with Gia's. I didn't want Salem to see cause she'll throw a fit.

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