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"I don't see why you like showing skin so much" Delano said

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"I don't see why you like showing skin so much" Delano said.

"Let me be. You should be happy to have a girlfriend who is comfortable with her body" I said.

"Oh I am. Only when it's me seeing it and not everyone in the neighborhood" he said.

"You'll live" I said. I've been staying to myself lately. Figuring it'll be better that way. You never know who's really behind you or against you. I rather not be bothered with that right now. I was going to drop off Ryan at school and then come back and get ready for work. Delano's been working from home so he's the caretaker for now.

Checking myself once more in the mirror I smiled and walked out the bathroom. "Ryan lets go!" I yelled. He raced down with his things "Okay let's go". We got into the car and I drove the way to his school. After dropping him off I sped back home to get myself together for work.

"Now behave... don't want you getting to comfortable over there" Delano said.

"You need help" I said. He didn't say anything he just watched me as I left. Meanwhile at work I was in a daze. I was trying my hardest to not think about the whole situation with Bria. But again, she's my sister how could I not?. "Gia the manager wants to see you!" A coworker walked by me and said.

"Yes?!" I said. He smiled "Gia please sit down". Taking a seat thinking I was in trouble. "You seem distracted. Is anything wrong?" He asked.

"I'm okay. Thanks" I said.

"Well if you are going through anything... remember" he tapped his shoulder and smiled. Feeling a little weird when he said that. The guy barely knows me. "Are we done here?" I asked.

"I guess. Just wanted to make sure you were okay" he said.

"Alrighty" I got up and walked out the door. He walked up behind me "you're too pretty to be upset. Smile once in a while". Not even turning around I just walked fast. Not looking where I was walking too I bumped into someone.

"Sorry..." I said.

"Gia? Hey. Are you on break yet?" The same guy I was outside with was the one I bumped into. "Actually I am on break" I said. He smiled "would you mind joining me for lunch?".

"Why not?" I asked. We went down to the local diner. It was the closet place to eat and we would be back on time.

"Why were you in a rush anyway?" He asked.

"No reason really" I lied.

"Oh okay... so how long have you lived out here?" he asked.

"Not that long... I came from Scottsdale" I said.

"Ahh lovely Scottsdale. I grew up there. Hated it so I left" he said.

"Know the feeling. I left twice already. You know I never caught your name" I said.

"How rude of me... I'm Ron" he extended his hand out to shake my hand. "Nice to officially meet you gia". It was nice to sit down and speak to someone who didn't know me or my past. Ron was four years older than me. He has a girlfriend and a daughter from a previous relationship. That made me comfortable telling him about my three kids.

"I must say I'm surprised you have three kids. You don't look like you any children" he said.

"Surprise, Surprise" I joked.

"And you're funny too... it's rare to meet females now and days who aren't so serious. Gia you're a breath of fresh air" he said.

I was about to respond but then I got a text from
Delano. Looking at my phone "boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yup... how did you know?" I asked.

"I know the look..." he said. Also looking at the time our break was over. "I guess we should be going back" I said.

My work day was finally over. I got home and all the kids were going crazy. Ryan and Kai were chasing each other around and that made Salem laugh. Delano came out from his office "hey how was work?".

"It was fine" I said. He nodded and turned to the both boys running throughout the house. "Hey no running!" he said. Putting my keys and phone with a paper on the counter. I went to change into something more comfortable. Every time I look at these damn pictures I'm just trying to understand how Delano got these.

Walking back into the kitchen I see Delano standing there looking at the paper. "What's this?" He asked.

Taking the paper "it's a uniform place Nosey. My coworker was telling me about this place that has affordable uniforms so he wrote down the address for me"


"Yes he..." I said.

"This wouldn't be the same idiot from the other day?" He asked.

"Yup. He's actually a nice guy" I said.

"You say that like you know him personally" he said.

"Really? I'm not doing this... I'm exhausted and hungry" I said. Walking past him and going to get Salem so she could eat. I wasn't about to argue about the same shit all over again. Leave it up to Delano I might as well not speak to anyone or have friends or associates.

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