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After leaving Gia's place I went home. When I pulled up I noticed Madison's things were gone from the front of my home. Thank god I never did any joint accounts with her as well. Got to protect my money. The next couple of weeks it's been quiet. My mother hasn't been harassing me and neither has Madison.

Gia wanted to go look at some baby things. I couldn't deny her of that. The baby pouch was starting to form. That was more of a confirmation for me that an actual baby is in there. "Aww these are pretty for a girl" she held up a pink dress.

"Weren't you the same one who said it could be a boy?" I joked.

"It could still happen. We have two already so..." she said. We walked through each aisle just looking at potential things we wanted to get. "I was thinking what's the point of living apart when we can be living together" I said.


"Come on... we can move you things into the house and we can have the boys there" I said. She turned to me "one it's too soon... two you're still in your divorce proceedings... and three if you think I'm moving into that home you bought for Madison you're crazy".

"So if I buy a new home for us... you'll move in?" I asked.

"When the divorce is finalized... yes" she said. Don't want to rush her too much. But at the same time I want my family with me. "Have you thought of any names yet?" I asked.

"Umm if it's a girl I like the name Salem. Don't ask it just came to me one night and I was like okay that name is cute. But for a another boy I don't even know" she continued to check out strollers and other things.

"Salem?... not bad" I said.

"Keep saying it. It'll catch on" she said. When we were finally done we were walking outside. About to get into the car and who do I see. My mom and Madison together. For what?. Clearing my throat I figured this would be the best time to just come out and tell them both the truth. Gia saw what I saw "what are you doing?".

"Come clean" I said.

"Oh come on! Right now?! You can't do this over the phone. Conference call?" She said. My mom saw me and rushed over to me. "Delano thank goodness you're here. I was just telling Madison that it'll be good for you two to get counseling".

"No need. I wanted to come clean to Madison on why I chose to divorce her. I need you to listen carefully. And don't ask any questions until I'm done, okay?" I said.

She nodded. My mom had a smile on her face but that would be quickly faded when I tell them.

"I'm still in love with Gia. I can't hide it anymore. Thinking getting married would help me get over her but it made it worse. I didn't want to keep stringing you along in a loveless marriage. And on top of it gia is pregnant" I said.

Both of them stood there in shock. My mother covered her face and screamed. Madison looked confused. "So you ended our marriage for Gia?".

"Yes, I love Gia always have and always will" I said.

"Gia is pregnant?! How?!" My mother asked.

"I mean do I really have to tell you how babies are made" I joked.

"Delano how could you get Gia pregnant when your married?" She rephrased her question. Gia came out the ice cream shop enjoying her craving at the moment. "Oh snap... we actually doing this huh?".

"You little tramp! How dare you seduce my son into sleeping with you knowing he had a wife" my mother said.

"Uh Uh old woman. Your son has a mind of his own. He initiated for it to go a lot further. And it did and well " she patted her tummy.

"Madison do you see Delano cheated on you with this nigger tramp!" Standing in front of Gia but close to my mother "don't ever let that word come out of your mouth again" I warned.

"Delano I can't believe this. I gave you two years and you cheat on me with Gia?" Madison asked.

"Madison let's be fair. I've been with Delano for about seven years. So let's not use how many years you two been together" Gia said. "And for the racist wrinkly bitch next to you. You better be happy I'm
Pregnant and I can't slam your head into the sidewalk. Thank the universe for saving your life".

Delano hushed me "get your momma. Before I do".

"You know what we are going to fight you in this divorce. How dare you treat Madison here like trash" my mother said.

"I think someone needs to take you out like last nights trash cause you're doing way too much" Gia said.

"And that thing you are so in love with I have something for you" she warned.

"Oooo I'm so scared... Delano please get your mammy and tell her it's past her curfew" Gia said.

"I won't stand here and take this from... her" his mother said.

"Then leave! You act like I want to talk to you. And Madison... sorry but not sorry. I tried to tell you a month ago but you were too dumb to understand. Are we done here?" Gia looked at all of us and finished her cone.

"Delano when Gia decides she doesn't want you anymore don't come trying to talk to me. I can't believe you!" Madison said.

"Woe is me! Someone get the violin please" Gia said. They stormed past us and walked off. "Now see you could've done this over the phone".

"It had to be done" I said.

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