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Gia has been really invisible lately. Even when I go pick up the kids she doesn't show herself. I don't feel guilty for what happened. It was going to happened either way. It was Mother's Day today. Madison was pouting all over the house. I should ask for what's wrong. She passed me again pouting.

"Madison what's wrong?" I asked. She walked next to me and plopped down on the couch "I just wish I was a mother". I regret asking her what's wrong. "I just don't understand why you don't want to get me pregnant" she whined. Hearing her sniffle I turned to her "Madison I told you many times already. I'm just not ready. Why are you trying to force this?" I asked.

"Because we are married. I know couples who already have kids. And well look at Gia she has two of your kids and you two were never married".

"Gia and I had kids when she was young. I would say I was young but she was younger than me. So you can't compare that. And stop looking at other people to see where you should be" I said.

"It's just I always wanted to be a mom and I feel like your robbing me of that" she said. Not wanting to really talk about this anymore. "Then find someone else who can fulfill your dream of becoming a mother cause it's obvious I'm not doing it fast enough". With that I got up and walked to the kitchen. I'm just so tired of her asking the same damn questions over and over.



Just dropped Ryan off at school. Kairo was in the back seat just jamming to whatever the radio was playing. I was thirsty. Actually lately I've been so damn thirsty it's weird. Seeing Starbucks I instantly went through the drive thru. Ordering my frapp and also getting Kairo a pastry even though he really didn't need it.

On the way home I took a sip of my frapp and for some reason it didn't make it down my throat. Forcing the liquid to even go down my throat I looked at the cup and raised my brow. That never happens. Wondering if they put milk in here instead of almond milk. But the sticker says almond milk. When we both got inside I let Kairo tear into his pastry and I decided to try my Frapp again. Same thing happened. This time I almost brought it up. Pushing the frapp and putting it on the fridge until I can actually drink it.

Grabbing the many many boxes of cereal I have I went for a bowl. I have about six boxes of cereal in my cabinet. You would think it's for my kids but it's mainly for me. A knock at the door interrupted me taking the first spoonful into my mouth. Opening the door I see Delano. "How can I help you?".

"Can I come in?" He asked. Moving out of his way he walked past me. "Did I interrupt your breakfast?" He asked. "What do you think?".

"I just need someone to talk to... Madison is driving me crazy with the wanting of babies" he said.

"You don't say?. Why not give her a baby then. Make her happy" I said. He just stared at me "What?".

"I don't want any children from her. I'm good" he said.

"Then why did you marry her then? There has to be something that made you pop the question" I said.

"The person she is today isn't the person she was two years ago. It's like she's trying to control everything we do. Like having kids..." he said.

"You're lucky she can't trap you the way you did me"
I said.

He ignored what I said "how are you doing?".

"I'm fine I guess. But I just brought a frapp from Starbucks and now for some reason I can't enjoy it cause it's not going down easy. If you get what I'm saying".

He smiled "stomach problems".

"No I think it might be the milk. Prob wasn't good. Oh if you can... can you watch our children later? I have to go in at six".

He nodded "yeah of course".

"See this co parenting thing fits us so perfectly" I said.

"We crossed past that a long time ago. But if you say so" he said. I went to get more cereal I guess Delano saw my stash "well damn Gia. Do you need anymore cereal?".

"Mind your business... anymore issues I can help you out with?" I asked.

"You didn't help to begin with. You gave me advice to actually give Madison what she wants" he said.

"Correction I wanted you to come clean. But I see what you're doing" I smiled.

"Come clean about what? Us?" He asked.

"The real reason you don't want to get her pregnant. Is it because you rather had more kids with me?". He  smiled "I can't answer that. Cause my answer might get me kicked out of here".

"Uh Huh... I don't see why you don't end the marriage with her. It's obvious you two aren't on the same page. Just let it go already" I said. He didn't respond he just looked like he was in a deep thought. I wanted to finish my cereal so I let him sit there and think.

"Oh I forgot to give you this... damn Madison has my whole mind upside down" he reached next to him and pulled out a bouquet of flowers "happy Mother's Day. Thanks for being a wonderful mother to our boys".

"What are you Houdini? Cause I didn't even see when you walked in here with those" I joked. He handed me the bouquet "thanks".

"You're welcome" he smiled. His phone rang he saw the person and sighed. "Yes Madison?. I'll be home in a few. Okay uh huh yup. Good alright" he ended the call.

"Well wifey calls you better go to her" I teased. He again didn't say anything he just stared at me. "Delano? Wake up" he smiled "I'm up. But let me get going before she calls me again". I nod "good idea". He got up and pushed in his chair and walked himself out.

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