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"What do you mean you didn't hear anyone?!" I asked this babysitter who apparently fell asleep.

"If anyone came in here I didn't hear it. I'm so sorry" she said. I plopped down on the couch. Salem was missing and we have no idea what's going on. Delano was too busy calling everyone. Seeing the flashing lights appear at our window. I got up and ran to the door. Delano appeared beside me "someone called about a missing baby".

"Yes. It was us. Our daughter is missing!" I said. The cop nodded "can we come inside and look over the scene?". I opened the door more "sure go ahead". He walked in with his flashlight.

"Whomever took Salem had to of been comfortable with her. That child wouldn't go with anyone" I said.

"Has Bria come out of jail for any reason?" He asked.

"And how would I know that?" I asked. The cop cleared his throat "Look if there's someone in particular you think would do this... don't hesitate to tell us".

"The name is Bria. She's my half sister. Actually the woman who was recently arrested. It was on the news" I said.

"Ohhh yeah I remember. But she posted bail" he said.

"And how come I didn't get a phone call?" I asked.

"Well she didn't do harm to you prior to her arrest. So you wouldn't get a phone call regarding that. But I'll call in a bulletin just Incase someone sees her. Do you have a picture of your daughter?". I took the most recent one and handed to him "she's cute".

"Thanks! But please go find her! She may be with a mental head case" I said. He nodded "trust me we will bring your daughter home". When they reversed back and sped off. I was distraught. Missing Salem like crazy. "I can't believe this is happening". Delano hugged me "she'll come home". My phone went off. I had a text from an anonymous number. It was a picture of Salem.

The anger that I was feeling was going through me so fast

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The anger that I was feeling was going through me so fast. Just seeing the unhappiness on her face was killing me. Delano took my phone and examined the picture. "That's Bria's other apartment. I can tell by the frame in the back". Slowly turning to him "You would Remember the place you slept with her".

"Gia look our daughter is missing. Can we not start this all over again?" He asked.

"You know what... just write down the address. I'm going there alone. Bria and I have some unfinished business" I said.

"Yeah I don't think that'll be a good idea. I want to come with you" handing him the paper "if you come you might stir up some emotions". He sighed writing down the address. "Don't get upset. This is your fault. You just had to sleep with Bria".

He handed me the paper with nothing said. As I expected. Typical. I grabbed my bag and sped off to her apartment. On the way there I was thinking of every thing I could do to her. She has my baby!. Bria has lost her damn mind.

Pulling up I turned off my headlights. Didn't want to have her know I was here. Told Delano to call the police and let them know what we know. Looking at the second floor window I see the lights are still on. Not sure what I should do. But my mama bear was trying to come through. I decided to just go in there. Fuck it!.

Knocking on the door I waited for Bria to open the door "oh look who's here?".

"Give me my baby back!" I said.

"Your baby? You mean my baby" she said.

"No, my baby! Salem! Come to mama!" I yelled. Bria laughed "she won't hear you. And for the record Salem was the baby I should've kept. She's my baby".

"Look you crazy bitch! Give me my daughter!" At this point I didn't care anymore "SALEM!" I yelled. Hearing some noise I saw her walking and looking at me. I held out my hands "come on". She smiled "mama?". Hold up? She said mama. Come on gia not now. It's the wrong time to get all emotional. I nodded "yes, mama! Come on".

Bria sucked her teeth "I'm mama! Come on Salem!". She mean mugged Bria and came over to me. Picking her up I hugged her. Before Bria could even close her door the police was downstairs giving her orders. She stomped her feet "damn! I just wanted my baby back".

Holding Salem who was happy. I looked at Bria and I saw a sad person. That abortion she had destroyed her. She surrendered and the cops arrested her. Sitting in my car I just watched this. Salem fell asleep in the back from all the chaos. When the cops checked her over to make sure she wasn't harmed.

Finally going home. Opening the door Delano was pacing back and forth. When he saw Salem and I he smiled big "oh thank god you both are okay".

"Yeah she's fine. I'm never letting her go. She's staying right in my arms tonight" I said. Delano placed a kiss on her head. "You know what I just realized. That abortion Bria had for you destroyed her. Hence why she took Salem. She said it was the baby she didn't get to have. She needs some serious help".

"And this is why I was so against you aborting Ryan. Didn't want you to go through that". We took Salem back to our bedroom and held onto her all night. I think this family is in need of a vacation to Disney world. Get away for a bit.

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