Chapter 16: Meeting Them

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A/N: Jordan has blonde hair and green eyes while Chantal has black hair and ice blue eyes.

Accalia's POV

It's been 10 days since we left Magnolia, I want to be home now. I heard a strange sound. I went to go check it out. Erza decided to come with me too. Once we got there, we saw two kids, they looked about Lucy's age or a year two older.

One girl and one boy. I asked who they were, one of them with green eyes said. "I am Chantal Heartfilia, this is my brother, Jordan Heartfilia." Wait, Lucy has siblings? How come she never told us. "What magic do you all do?" I ask.

"We are Third Generation God-Slayers." Chantal replied.

WHAT?! THERE ARE GENERATIONS FOR GOD SLAYERS TOO?! I THOUGHT THAT WAS ONLY FOR DRAGON SLAYERS! Since when was there these kinds? Wow, I never knew there were these kinds of rare mages.

Ok, now I have two questions running through my head. "Are you by chance, related to Lucy Heartfilia? And second, what kinds of capabilities are included in Third Generations?" I ask. "Wait, we have another sister?" Jordan asks. "I'm afraid so. Lucy is in our guild called Crescent Sun." I say. Jordan looked at me in shock.

"For us God Slayers, our capabilities include larcrimi implanted inside of our bodies that allows us to activate God Force. It's similar to Dragon Force and it's our most powerful stage."


"We also learn our Element God-Slayer magic as well as Dragon Slayer magic of our specific element to go with it."

"For example, since I'm an Ice God Slayer, this means that I also have Ice Dragon Slayer magic as well." Jordan explains.

"I do Water God Slaying." Chantal explains. Erza, not even knowing that Lucy had siblings, was in more shock. Chantal looked at me then at Erza. "What guild are you guys from?" Chantal asks.

"I am from Fairy Tail." Erza replies. "This is Accalia, she is from Crescent Sun." "Can we see our sister?" Jordan asks.

"We're in the middle of a job, but would you guys like to come fight with us?" I ask politely. "Wait, I thought we have to be part of a guild." Chantal says pretending to act all smart.

"Do you want to join Crescent Sun or Fairy Tail?" I ask. "WE WOULD BE HONORED TO JOIN THE GUILD THAT OUR SISTER IS IN!" They yelled in unison. Cool, I plan on giving their guild marks after this job is done.

Erza and I walk out with them and we saw Gray and Happy looking at us with bitter curiosity. "They're joining Crescent Sun." Erza said breaking the ice. "Who are they though?" Gray asks.

"This is Lucy's sister and brother." I tell him.

"N-NANI?!" Gray and Happy yell simultaneously.

"Calm down you two, they want to meet Lucy." After I tell them, I see 5 figures with exceeds running towards us. It was Lucy, Natsu, Lina, Holly, Bubbles, Cassia, and Safira.

"Who are these guys?" Lucy asks after catching her breath. She looks bruised up and wounded. But looks like she healed herself, so I think she looked fine.

"Lucy, meet Chantal and Jordan. Your siblings."

Lucy's POV

I saw 2 figures standing next to Accalia. I asked who they were. Accalia said. "Lucy, meet Chantal and Jordan. Your siblings."

What?! These guys are my siblings?! I thought they were at the Realm training! Holy Mavis! I looked at them and smiled. Chantal walks up to me, and hugs me.

Jordan joined in after that. They both had tears of joy and shock in their eyes. I started to cry too. They broke the hug and they smiled.

"We are officially in Crescent Sun." Chantal exclaimed.

"Where are your guild marks?" I asked. "They don't have them yet." Accalia said. "Well, let's go home, and get your insignia." I said excitedly. "Not so fast, Fairies." Cobra says.

I quickly grab my dragon keys and I summon Igneel and Grandeeney and they give me a boost. Natsu was surprised to see his father.

"Wing Slash of the Sky Dragon!" She chants.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Igneel combines his attack with Grandeeney and Cobra falls instantly.

"Arigatō Igneel, Grandeeney." I say. They bow their heads then disappear back into the realm.

We all headed back home to our proper guilds. We got back to Magnolia and Natsu wanted to talk to me privately. I wonder what he has to say.

It probably is a secret that he has been anxious to tell me.

We arrive at the guild and we were greeted by Master.

"Well, well, well, welcome home my children. Why does he sound like Master back at Fairy Tail? Strange. I must be hallucinating. "Who are these guys?" he asked.

"These are my long lost siblings." I say. "They were wondering if they can join our guild." Safira adds. "Of course they can. Where would you like your insignia?" he says.

"We would all like ours on our right arm in teal and maroon please." They reply. I was glad they were here. I am glad that I am not longer alone. I always have them to talk to, my team and Natsu. I love them all.

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