Chapter 41: Back Home

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Lucy's POV

I was crying so hard, I started to scream Raya's name. "RAYA!! COME BACK!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

I spot two dragons flying in the sky above about to land where Kaliyah lay. Kaede and I moved her body towards me so I could heal her but my magic energy felt weak.

I hear the sound of wing beats, I look up. It was Igneel and Frost. "LOOK! IT"S SHIYA AND NATSU!" Kaede shouts pointing at the sky. The dragons land on all fours and turn into their human forms.

Shiya hops off Frost's back and Natsu hops off Igneel. He spots me and runs fast toward my side. "What happened?" he asks. "I'm sure Shiya already told you." I say. "She did, but I want to know your side of the story." he replies. I nod slowly.

"Take it easy, you still need to recover. But I think we should head to my place." Shiya suggested. "Lucy and the rest of you can rest there or at the guild's infirmary."

"I'll go to the guild's infirmary." I say. "Wendy is probably hanging out with Chelia of Lamia Scale. She could give us a hand too." Shiya and Nashi try to stand but just collapse back down again.

Gray takes them both and hangs them over each of his shoulders. "I'll take half of you to the guild's infirmary and the rest of you to my place." Shiya says. Selina laces her fingers together in prayer.

I try to stand but my legs couldn't hold me up. Natsu takes my arm and wraps it around his shoulder for support. Shiya does the same for her mother once she regained her footing. I try to grab the key to Magnolia but I felt too weak. Selina and Michio stand by me and Natsu.

Suddenly, Shiya reaches her hand out to my key pouch with thousands of other keys. Most of them are the dragons from the realm. She finds the Magnolia key and I chant the gate open. "OPEN! GATE TO EARTH LAND!" I say.

The portal opens and we end up in front of Sun Dragon. "We must take you guys to the infirmary to recover. Wendy can help you." Shiya says. "Wendy! Can you help us please?" she asks. Wendy looks over at us and rushes to our side. "What happened?" She asked.

"We got attacked." Natsu explains. "Some of our kids have been taken by Southern Wolves." Shiya finishes Natsu's sentence. "Ok, we'll take these guys to the infirmary and see if I can heal all of you. But I may have to do you guys seperately, as in one of you every day." She looks at us and spots Kaede. "Kaede, since you're the worst, you will be healed first. And I can't use up all of my magic energy in one day." Wendy explains.

"C-Can't Chelia of Lamia Scale help you?" I ask. "Maybe, but she might be out on a job." She predicts. "Then what do we do?"

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