Chapter 24: Unison Raid

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Lucy's POV

I summon one of my keys called Lynx, she was a cat that has a bobbed tail and looks like a bobcat. "Open! Gate of the Cat! Lynx!" I say.

A girl in the form of a bobcat appears. "Hello miss, how can I help you today?" She says.

"Can we start a contract?" I ask. She nods.

I summon two other keys called Sculptor and Hydra. After 50 minutes, I made contracts with 10 out of my 100 new keys. My magic energy is almost at its limit, I may have to rest after my 11th new key. I summon it and it was a pegasus, a type of flying horse.

She was very beautiful. "How may I assist you miss?" she asks. "You can call me Lucy." I say.

After another hour of making contracts. I have made them with half of my new spirits. I'll start up again tomorrow for more when my magic energy has fully recovered.

-Next Morning-

I should make a contract with a few more spirits. "I OPEN THEE! GATE OF THE GREAT BEAR! URSA MAJOR!"

I chant. A black bear the size of a Kodiak, appears. "Hello Miss Lucy-sama, I am excited to make a contract with you today." SHE KNOWS MY NAME?!

"How do you know my name?" I ask. "Your mother was the first master and creator of my key. Then another wizard came along named Kara, now it's you." I smile.

"I am available on Tuesdays, Mondays, and Fridays." She says. I write it down on my notepad and then pat Ursa's head.

She disappears to go back to the Spirit World. Phew, I may have to summon more than one today so it can get done faster.

But remember, I can summon 3-4 spirits at once. I summon the Little Lion. Leo Minor. "I open thee! Gate of the little Lion! Leo Minor!" A little lion cub appears then transforms into a human boy. "Hello, my name is Leon. The Little Lion." he says.

"I know you're the little lion, can we start a contract?" He nods. "Excuse me, I will summon a few more spirits to speed this process up a knotch." I say.

"Ok, I'll wait." Leon says. I summon two more spirits. Perseus and Andromeda. These guys are probably one of my most powerful minor spirits in my collection.

I finish the job within six hours. I am going to take a break and collapse for awhile.

Hmmm, I wonder what Natsu and Selina are up to. I saw Ladon landing in my direction. "Hey Ladon, can you take me to Kaida's island?" He nods and I hop onto his back. As he flew, I felt free and I wanted to stay here forever.

But I have Natsu to take care of and Selina is my best friend. But they're training I think their Unison Raid. I wouldn't want to miss out on that. Ladon lands on Kaida's island and I notice that Selina and Natsu are just about to chant their Unison Raid spell of fire and water.

"This is as far as I can go, I can't really enter the island without permission of Kaida herself. I jump off Ladon's back (I had a parachute) and pulled the cord with my parachute and it blew up.

I started to slowly float down to Kaida's island. I see that Selina and Natsu chant loudly in unison as they cast their Unison Raid. "Acid Flame Dragon Roar!!"

Suddenly, a spiral of water and fire exited their mouths and combined into acid with flames. The attack has combined and the two mages aim for the target and it's a direct hit.

Natsu and Selina high-five each other and smile.

They turn around and see me landing. "Lucy!! You're alive!" Natsu shouts happily.

"Really? I was just making contracts with some new spirits. What made you think I was dead?" I ask.

"I'm just worried, Luce. And you were out for a good four days" Natsu replies.

"Ok, I think you're overreacting." Selina says.

I know that this will be a fun 10 months of training.

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