Chapter 43

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Yoongi is currently at his parents' house helping his mom cook dinner. By "helping" that really means standing in the kitchen with his mom while she cooks everything so she could have some company because she insists on doing all the work.

He tries to go over there as many times as he can, at least once or twice a week, because he loves hanging out with his parents and he really does miss living with them.

He's sitting at the kitchen table as his mom is preparing their dinner while his dad is in the living room watching tv on his unassigned assigned chair that's directly in line of vision of the tv, with the family cat, Muffins, sleeping peacefully on his lap.

"So, how's Jimin, sweetie?" His mom asks after it's been silent for merely a few seconds.

Yoongi's heart flutters and he couldn't contain his smile upon the sole mentioning of his name.

"He's good. Really good. We hang out a couple times a week outside of class."

"Well that's great. I was thinking maybe you could invite him over here for dinner one night? You've been over his house and he's over your apartment all the time, why not bring him here? If this is the boy you planning on getting into a relationship with, I want to get to know him first. He could even sleep over as well." His mom suggested.

"Wouldn't that be a little weird? Both of us sleeping over when I don't even live here anymore?" Yoongi asked. It sounded quite odd to him.

"I don't think so. You do technically still live here as well. I can't have my only child sleep over?" She asked jokingly offended.

"You're right, I guess it isn't that weird. Hmm, that's not a bad idea. I just didn't think of even asking, but I'm sure he would love to. Not to uh..." Yoongi scratched the back of his neck before answering. His mom was going back and forth from looking at him to looking at the stove. "Not to get too much into his personal life but he really likes you and dad. He's only met you once, but you're not like his parents. Even I can see that. One night at his house was just really hostile and uncomfortable and I have no doubt that he has to deal with that every night. It really sucks. I wish he had parents like you guys." Yoongi looked down, now sad. He did truly feel bad that Jimin has to put up with that. He was going to also tell his mom about how ridiculous his dad was about them sleeping in separate beds, but he probably shouldn't bring that up in front of his mom anyway. He didn't want his mom to get any wrong ideas as to why he was so annoyed about the separate bed issue. 

"I know, sweetie. That's very unfortunate and it pains me to even hear about it, which is why you need to focus on making him feel comfortable and loved when you're with him. Whether you're in a romantic relationship or just friends. I'm sure he could use it."

"You're right, mom." She was right. And Yoongi will never stop thinking this, but he's so grateful to have parents that are completely opposite from Jimin's .

"I know, I'm right." She gloated, but not in a superficial way, more so in a mom kind of way. "Now go get your father, dinner is ready."


Later that night Yoongi texted Jimin asking if he wanted to come over for dinner and then possibly sleepover. It was pretty much how it went down when Yoongi went over Jimin's house, but the experience would definitely not be as hostile or uncomfortable as it was the first time.

Jimin immediately agreed and couldn't wait to see Yoongi's parents again and be able to see the house where Yoongi grew up in.


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