Chapter 56

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Thank you all so much for waiting and being patient in waiting for this update. Y'all know it's a little crazy right now, but not being able to be on wattpad that much or continue writing is actually making me crazy lol. But here it is and it's such a cute chapter, so get ready!

Also, thank you so much to those who commented on my update I put up a few days ago. Whether you told me you understood that I wasn't able to update right away or you answered the questions I ask, I appreciate all the comments. I read every single one of them so thank you, seriously thank you.



"What's going on buddy?" JiHyun asked as he sat down in one of the patio chairs outside. Jimin had just arrived at his brother's house and JiHyun could tell that Jimin needed him and needed to talk as soon as possible.

They were currently outside while Jennie was cooking dinner, who, by the way, made a fuss the second Jimin came into the door because he and Yoongi were now dating.

"A lot. Well, not really that much. I just haven't really been feeling well." Jimin said and hugged his knees to his chest.

"How so?" JiHyun asked and folded his arms, resting his elbows on the table.

"I haven't really been getting a lot of sleep recently, and I've had a few nightmares when I actually did sleep. The one I told you about where mom and dad, who've been getting worse lately, found out about me and Yoongi, and then I had one about Taehyung last night." That dream was a little more blurry. He couldn't remember exactly what happened as it wasn't as vivid as the other ones he's had. But he did remember that it had to do with Taehyung sleeping with the guy he cheated on Jimin with in Jimin's bed and he walked in on them while Taehyung didn't care. In his dream, the faces were a little fuzzy, but he just knew that it was Taehyung and that guy. He was over Taehyung, but it did make him feel a little more self conscious about his own relationship with Yoongi now and he doesn't need to feel anymore self conscious than he already does. The premise more so than the people in it really shook Jimin. He didn't tell that to Yoongi yet because he woke up late and then got ready to go to his brother's house. He wasn't keeping it from him, he just wanted to talk through it in person. It bothered him a little bit, but he wanted to tell Yoongi.

"I'm sorry Jimin. It sucks that there isn't anything you can even do to prevent that. But speaking of mom and dad, what have they been doing?"

"Dad's just being an asshole. He keeps getting mad at me when I don't eat or eat a certain amount of food, like when mom packs us lunch for work. Sometimes I'm just not hungry, there's nothing more to it. But the more he forces me, the more I retaliate because I don't want to. And mom never says anything. Do you know why she does that?"

"Typical mom. I love her very much, but I think she just loves dad a lot." He shrugged. "I don't excuse her actions, but I think that's what it is. You have to remember that mom didn't come from a lot. She didn't really have a lot of money and she had to work illegally when she was young so she could help out grandma and grandpa. Again, I'm not saying it excuses her actions, but I think she just wants to continue living comfortably and she wants that for us. She has a funny way of showing it, but they paid for my entire college career, including law school, even though I moved out. She isn't the most affectionate towards us, but I think she's in love with dad's resources."

Jimin sighed. "That makes sense. It just really sucks. He says whatever he wants and she never defends me."

His brother shook his head. "I know, Jimin. I'm proud of you though, you're doing great. How how are you managing the nightmares?"

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