Fucking Latrelle

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Cesar's POV:

"You shouldn't have to be a part of this. If I did what I was supposed to do then you would've had a normal night." I rest my head in my hands and try not to make eye contact. "It's not your fault, I should've known I was being naive for so long." Monse gives me a sorry excuse for a smile. "Monse maybe we should just be friends I don't want you to be in danger." I can't even look at her in the eyes. "Yeah, I get it. If I get hurt Spooky hurts you." She gets up and crosses the street before I can even process what she said. What was that about? We kissed once and yeah I like her but that hyna needs to chill.

Monse's POV:

I just want to go to sleep but I can't even do that. It's so loud I don't get why we had to move across the street from those cholos. Cesar's an idiot. How can he tell me he just wanted to be friends? I was emotional and I just kissed him it's not like it meant anything. I'm not gonna get all upset like I did before but I'm not sure what I'm going to do. "Monse wake up." I hear a strangers voice so I just assume it's a dream. Oh God that's not a strangers voice. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I scream as I basically fall out of my bed. "Chill Monse, I wasn't even trying to scare you. I shouldn't have done that shit last night." He says. "Latrelle you pulled a gun on me last night!" I scream. God what I wouldn't do for Cesar to be here. "You were with the Santo What was I supposed to do let him disrespect me?" I can't believe I'm still talking to him. "Get out!" I scream as I throw a book at him. Fuck I forgot he has a gun. "I know I shouldn't be here but when I saw you yesterday it just made me think about how scared my little sister would be if someone pulled up on us." He takes a step towards me and I'm terrified. "I shouldn't have said shit, we good?" I just nod my head. "You don't gotta be scared of me." I laugh when he says that because no ones scared of the guy with the gun, right? "I saw Alejandro. I stitched up what you did." I say. "I didn't do shit. I know what happened but I'm not the one who did it." He looks sorry which is weird since yesterday he looked completely heartless. "You didn't have to say sorry. It's not going to change how I feel about you." I clarify. "You got to see the Santos side of what your dad does, so come meet a couple of the prophets. I promise I'll make them behave." He says with a smirk. "I have nothing better to do with my life." I shrug. "Ok I'll be back tonight at ten. Do me a favor and leave your guard dog at home." He says and I give him a weird look. "Oh Cesar right. Um yeah he's not gonna be around a lot anymore." I say and I get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Good, that mean I got a chance?" I roll my eyes but I smile a little. These guys are such losers, I don't get it. Next thing I know he climbs out my window. "Lock the windows." I remind myself.

Cesar's POV:

"Tomorrow we got some serious shit to take care of." Oscar tells me. "Yeah like what?" I ask. "Like making sure Monse doesn't see shit like that again. Monty's pissed he said he might make us pay him to haul for us." Oscar says. Kaia's on the ground playing with Alejandro's son and Oscar keeps watching her. "You're worried about her. Don't stress Monty's back and he the blocks been calmer already. Other than what happened last night. "Shut the fuck up Cesar. Kaia's my best friend I just don't want anything to happen to her, just like you and Monse better be best friends to the point you'd get shot for her got it." I roll my eyes he definitely likes Kaia. "What the fuck!" Kaia screams. "Latrelle just left Monse's." She said as she looks at me and Oscar. "Oh fuck no." I'm about to run out when Oscar stops me. "You can't stop her from talking to him. Her dad works with all of us not just the Santos." He says. I need to claim her that's the only way they'll leave her alone. Even the ass hole Prophets know you don't take a girl someone claims and if you do shit happens and no one can help. "I'm gonna make sure she's ok." I say but then Kaia stops me. "You can't catch feelings Cesar and you know that." She passes the baby to Cesar and she sits down with me on the couch. "You think I don't wanna be with Oscar? I do but I know that it's not in anyone's best interests." Kaia says. "That's different you're a part of the gang." I shake my head. "I'm affiliated but I'm not a member and Monse's affiliated but she isn't a member. You don't get to ruin what we got going for us just 'cause you like her." I know Kaia's looking out for me and everyone else but Oscar isn't protecting her like I'm protecting Monse this is in everyone's best interest. "You're saying if right now my brother wanted you to be his ruca you'd say no?" She doesn't answer. "That's different we're older than you guys and I've known him for years." Kaia tries to make an excuse. "You're eighteen." "Yeah and your brothers twenty two we're adults." Kaia's starting to get frustrated so I back off but I don't see how this is any different. I see Monse walk outside and I run out before anyone can stop me and I hug her.

Monse's POV:

I walk outside and I see Cesar run up to me. He hugs me and has one hand on the back of my head and one arm wrapped around my lower back. "I saw Latrelle leave are you ok?" He asks as he takes a step back but he keeps his hand on my shoulders. "I'm fine Cesar don't stress. He just wanted to hangout later." I say as I give him a weird look. "He was going to shoot me last night what's wrong with you?!" He screams. "Wow you're crazy. You would've done the same thing if you brought a gun and don't say you wouldn't because trust me I know you would've. I need to find out more about all this because the Santos aren't the only gang I'm affiliated with 'cause of my dad." I push him back but I don't walk away. "You know you're just as bad as he his the only difference is you're forced to be around me and Latrelle wants me to hangout with him." I say. "Monse I-" I can't deal with him right now. "Just go back to doing drugs and buying white tube socks." I say as I walk away. Where was I even going it's not like I can hangout with Ruby and Jamal.

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