I Love You, Cesar Diaz

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Monse's POV:
My goodbye party's tonight at Cesar's house and I really don't feel like going. "Ruby planned the whole thing you at least have to stop by." Olivia says. "I'm ready aren't I?" I roll my eyes. "I've see you get ready to go out and then lock yourself in my room." She shrugs. "I should probably head out." I tell her. "Yeah, it started an hour ago." She laughs. I hope Brentwood's worth it. "Finally! We live right over there what took you so long?" Ruby asks. "I didn't know if I was coming." I shrug. "Remind me that I owe Jamal twenty bucks. He said you were gonna try and hide out with Olivia all night." Ruby laughs. "Where's Cesar?" I ask. "He's umm... busy." Ruby looks over and I see Cesar making out with some bitch. "Wow, he better be drunk because this is supposed to be my night and he's ruining it." I huff and Ruby looks shocked at my reaction. "I mean he can do whatever he want." I take a deep breath. "Of course he's drunk, he's always drunk. What do you think he does all day with his brother? I'm not trying to make you feel bad but the last couple days he's been drunk or high. He's trying to stop feeling... his words not mine." Ruby says. "Hey Monse!" Mari says as she hugs me before I can ask Ruby more questions. "You're gonna love tía Julia's house. I went last week and met her kids it's huge!" She says happily. "Hopefully I like it half as much as you did." I can't focus with Cesar's tongue down another girl's throat. "I'll be right back." I look straightforward to Cesar and don't even blink until I get to him and the girl. "So, I'm leaving tomorrow." I say awkwardly when I stand next to them. "Mmm I know." He laughs as the girl kisses his neck. "So there's nothing you want to do or talk about before I go?" I ask. "No, he's busy." She turn his face back to her's. "Bitch." I mumble before I push her off of him and drag him to his room. "What the fuck Cesar?" I ask and he just laughs. "I hate you!" I scream when I slam the door. "Good." He slumps onto his bed and doesn't stop smiling. "What? A week ago you loved me." I can't tell if I'm mad or sad. "I still do but if you hate me you obviously still have feelings for me. If you forgave me I'd be worried... but there's no reason to forgive me though since I did nothing wrong." He's such an ass hole. "You were just kissing a girl right in front of me." I point out. "You're still wearing your cross." He smirks. "Force or habit just like your habit of being a shitty person." I say. "You broke up with me." His expression changes completely and he looks angry. "You basically forced me to!" I exclaim. "I didn't force you to do shit Monse! That was your decision I never would've broken up with you but of course you had to be like everyone else and make me feel like you didn't give a fuck about me." He screams. "Breathe Cesar." I sit next to him and I can see his tears forming. "Of course I care about you." I tell him and he stands up. "Nah, if you cared about me you wouldn't be leaving me tomorrow." He says. "I'm not leaving you, I'm leaving Freeridge. I love you Cesar but I'm not staying here for you." I tell him. "Yeah 'cause I'm not worth it." He sounds mad again. "No, I'm not staying for you because I wouldn't want you to stay for me. I care about you too much to hold you back." I tell him. "I care about you too much to let you go." He sits back down on the bed we used to share and my heart starts pounding in my chest. "Well what are you gonna do about it?" I ask. "No no no, what are you gonna do about it?" He asks and I look at him confused. "I love you baby but I don't do long distance if you're gonna stay in Brentwood forever I don't know how we'd work." He says honestly. I kiss him softly and he pulls away before it turns into anything else. "We have to start from somewhere." I say. "You wanna give me a reason to stay?" I ask with a smirk. He doesn't say anything he just pulls me onto his lap and kisses me deeply. "That's one reason to stay." I say with a breathy laugh while he kisses my neck. "You need another one?" He asks against my skin. "Definitely." I nod. "You might miss the rest of your party." He warns me. "Is that a promise?" I ask before I kiss him again. "It's definitely a promise." He falls onto the bed and brings me down with him.
*next morning*
Cesar's POV:
I wake up with a pounding headache and my arms wrapped around a girl. Who is this? I open my eyes slowly and thank God it's Monse. "Were you expecting someone else?" She asks. She can probably see how relieved I am that it's her. "No, just last night's a little... fuzzy." I tell her. "I should probably head out." She says as she sits up. "No, you should stay here until you have to leave." I tell her and she shakes her head. "We have way too many problems Cesar, we're toxic." My heart drops into my stomach. "No we just need to figure this out." I say quickly. She grabs her clothes off the ground. "Please Monse just talk to me." I beg her. I grab the first pair of pants I can find and I get out of bed. She shakes her head and walks to me. "I love you, Cesar Diaz." She kisses me before she walks out of me room. "Damn it." I punch a hole in my wall and my brother comes into my room. "What the hell?" He asks. "She left me again." I say with tears in my eyes. "Yeah and I'm pretty sure you just broke your hand." He laughs. "Relax lil' Spooky now you don't got that hyna holding you back, you can focus on what's really important." He says. I know he's talking about me being more involved with the Santos and maybe he's right. Monse wanted to change me and I let her but I'm a Santo and I always will be.

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