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Monse's POV:
I love falling asleep after being at the beach all day, it's the most relaxing feeling in the world. The only thing better then sleeping after the beach is waking up next to Cesar after that sleep. "Good morning." I smile. "Good morning." He sounds so tired and he pulls me in so I'm as close to him as humanly possible. "I wonder how Jamal's date went." He says. "You wake up next to your girlfriend and that's the first thing you think of?" I ask. "Not the first thing but I've been awake for a few minutes." He smirks against my lips. "What time is it?" I ask him. He rolls over to grab his phone but he doesn't move his arm from my lower back. "One thirty." He says. "Jamal said he wanted to see us all at twelve. He's gonna kill us." I sigh. "We're already and hour late a few more minutes won't change anything." Cesar shrugs. "You're the best part of mornings and I love you but baby I promised Jamal I'd be a better friend." I sit up and Cesar groans. "Stop complaining we gotta go." I laugh.

Jamal's POV:
"So, you want to tell us why we've been here for an hour and a half?" Ruby asks. "They'll be here just give them a minute." I say. A few minutes later they're at the door. "What took you so long?" I open the door before they can even knock. "We woke up like ten minutes ago." Monse says. "Just sit down." I say. "The reason we've called you here today!" I say. "He's called you here today." Mariana says. "Is because we are dating. Well we're going on dates. We're figuring it out." I don't know the exact terminology to use in this situation. "You could've just texted us." Cesar says. I can tell he's still half asleep and probably doesn't want to be here. "That's kind of on me. I wanted to meet you guys. Jamal's been my friend for years and he's always talking about you guys but he never introduced me." Mariana tells them. "I'm happy for you guys, you make a really cute couple." Monse says. We sit in silence for a minute or two. "Anything else?" Ruby asks. "I'm not used to you guys giving me this much time to talk this is all new to me." I laugh. "I have some news." Olivia says. "I'm having a boy!" She really just stole my spotlight cool. "Congratulations." Mariana says. "Who is she?" Mariana whispers. "That's Olivia. Her boyfriend hates her baby daddy so their on a break and Ruby, the one she's on a break with, hates Latrelle, the baby daddy." I whisper. "Oh ok. Your friends should have their own reality tv show." She nods. "I was thinking the same thing." I try to hold back a laugh. "The real hood teens of Freeridge." She chuckles. I look at her and we both burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Ruby asks. "Nothing, Mariana's just always making jokes." I say once I stop laughing. "Me?! He started it!" She defends herself. "You're so annoying." I smile. "Kiss!" Cesar cheers. "Babe, shut up!" Monse slaps him on the back of the head. I look over at Ruby and Olivia and I feel bad. We all deserve to be happy especially Ruby. I'm not going to do this again, I need to put myself first for one second. "So Ruby, how was your day yesterday?" Mariana asks. "Don't ask." Olivia says when Ruby shakes his head. "Oh I'm sorry." I knew introducing them was a bad idea. "I spent the whole day with Latrelle and Olivia so it was obviously amazing." Ruby snaps. "Latrelle apologized! He said he wants to be friends with you guys again." Olivia says defensively. "Latrelle's trying." Monse says. "How can you be ok with this? He almost killed you!" Ruby yells. Yup this was definitely not how I saw today going. "Hey Mariana Can you help me grab some snacks, I'm sure everyone's just hungry." Monse smiles. I guess she can see how uncomfortable we both are. "Yeah ok." Mariana gets up quickly.

Monse's POV:
"So you and Jamal, exciting." I say when we get into the kitchen. "Thanks." She laughs awkwardly. I feel bad that she got thrown into all of this. "How long have you and Cesar been together?" She asks. "A few months. Don't worry you get used to all the crazy." I wish she came over on a calm day. "How long did it take you to get used to it?" She asks. "I brought a lot of the crazy." I admit. "Seriously? I've known you for a little while and you seem to be pretty normal." She shrugs. "Yeah but trust me our lives are straight out of a horror movie. Not Jamal though, he's different." I say. "Different how?" "He always finds a reason to be happy." I explain. "Yeah, I guess he does." She smiles. "Let's go back over there before they realize I only brought you in kitchen to get away from that." I grab some chips we sit back with our friends. "I'm so happy to see you." Cesar says. "We were gone for like five minutes." I laugh. "What? Oh no I was talking to the chips." He says. "Remember when you used to love me?" I say sarcastically. "Where'd Olivia and Ruby go?" Mariana asks. "They went to Olivia's room." Jamal says with a mouth full of chips. "I can see why you like him so much." I laugh. "Yeah, he's a charmer." She says. Suddenly Jasmine bursts into the house. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Ruby said he needed me." She takes two puffs of her inhaler. "Where is he?" She asks and we all point at Olivia's room. "Who was that?" Mariana asks. "Jasmine, but you can call me Mrs. Ruby Martinez." She pops her head out from around the corner. "Nice to meet you." Mariana laughs. "Welcome to the fam." Cesar says.

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