Plan in Action

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Cesar's POV:
"Where the hell is Paula? We can't do this without her and Monse's freaking out." I clench my jaw. "Relax she's going to be here soon." Ruby says. "Or she's just screwing us over and trying to kill us all." Jamal says nervously. "Jamal, time and place!" Ruby yells. "What'd I miss?" Paula asks. "What the hell!" Jamal screams. "What?" She asks. "You can't just pop up next to someone when they're planning to take on a drug dealer!" Ruby whisper shouts. "Is that really our biggest problem right now?" She asks. "No, our biggest problem is that Monse's alone and freaking out." I point out. We rush over to the hospital and Monse's standing outside of his room and she looks like she just saw a ghost. "Where is he?" I ask. "He's on his way to find you, he just left." She says with a half smile. "You told him?!" Jamal yells. "Yeah, I told him you were about to leave when you realized you had no way of leaving town so Kaia helped him break out and he's on his way back to your house to give you a thousand dollars that he probably didn't get by working a real job." She explains. "How are we gonna get there before him?" I ask her. "I didn't think it through at all but I did find out one thing. Kaia doesn't care what he does she's never going to help us." Monse says sadly. "Wait, I can work with that." Ruby says. "I have an idea." Paula says.
*two minutes later*
"Come on guys let's go... like now." Paula says as she walks away quickly. We don't question it and just walk close behind. "Who's car is this?" Monse asks when Paula opens a car door and gets in. "No idea I just noticed the lady who drives it didn't lock the car." She shrugs. "How are you gonna drive it without the keys?" Ruby asks. "Easy, when I left for a couple minutes I went to the waiting room and stole her keys." She starts the car but no one gets in. "You know this is illegal, right?" Jamal asks nervously. "Relax I'll bring it back before she even knows it's gone... get in!" She yells when we just stand there. "You do know you're going to be a mom right?" Monse asks when she throws herself in the back seat. "Yeah and one of the most important parts of being a mom is the ability to adapt to bad situations." Paula speeds away. "This isn't adapting this is grand theft auto." I remind her. "It's either this or Oscar realizes you're not leaving and he kills you." Paula hisses. We get to Oscar's house and he's standing outside and looks pissed off. "Shit." Paula mumbles. "Ok, we have to do this now." I say. "Monse take the car back to the hospital." Paula says. "What? No!" Monse says. "Just drive over their and leave the keys on the drivers seat she'll think she forgot them. You can take the bus back, if Oscar sees you this won't go well." She tells me. "How am I supposed to trust the girl that slept with-" I cut Monse off. "Please, if anything happens to you I don't know if I could live with myself." I beg. "Fine just go." She rolls her eyes. We all get out and Monse climbs over to the front seat. "I love you baby." I say through the window before she drives away. "What the hell are you still doing here?" Oscar yells. "I decided to stay for a little while, maybe until after graduation." I shrug.

Oscar's POV:
"Guys I think you both need to calm down." Kaia smiles. "No, I'm done being scared of you. This is what's gonna happen, Oscar you're leaving town or you're going to jail." Cesar says confidently. "Cesar don't start something again." Kaia says through clenched teeth. "Show him the video." Cesar tells Jamal. He walks up to me with shaky hands. "Just give the phone Jamal." I take it from his hands and I know exactly what it is. "You really want to try and put me back in jail?" I laugh. "Yeah, you got minor pregnant so all I have to do is go to the police and show them the video and this." She hands me a pregnancy tests and one of those pictures of her baby. "You'll go to jail and once you're in court they'll deal with everything else you've done in the past year." Paula threatens. "I'm not going anywhere." I shake my head. "Ok, Kaia-" Ruby starts but I cut him off. "Don't talk to her." I laugh. "Kaia, do you really want your son to go through the rest of his life being attacked and pushed to the side because his father is a registered sex offender? Do you want him to grow up without his father just like you did?!" Ruby asks. "I grew up with my dad what are you talking about? Why would you sleep with a teenager? She is a child." Kaia hisses. "Ok I started it but it's still illegal so why don't you two just leave and you won't have to deal with any of this." Paula says. No one says anything for a few minutes and I break the silence. "I can't leave, what about the Santos?" I ask. "Really, that's what you're worried about?" Jamal asks and I can tell he regrets it right away. "Can you guys give us a second?" Cesar asks.

Ruby's POV:
We're all sitting on the curb as the sun goes up. Monse showed up like an hour hour ago. "This is not how I pictured my life." Kaia sighs. "Come on." Oscar says from behind us. He doesn't say anything else. "So, how'd it go?" I ask Cesar. "Can we just talk about it later, I gotta handle something." Cesar says.

Oscar's POV:
"We can't just go." He complains. "I don't care, grab your bag now!" I demand. "Don't talk to my son like that. The only reason we're going with you is 'cause he deserves the chance to hate you all on his own." Kaia hisses.

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