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Monse's POV:
Amber just left in the ambulance with her baby and we're all just eating the cake. Whoever made it put way too much food coloring in it. Why am I thinking about this? I have bigger problems. "Hey baby I really need to tell you something." I whisper to Cesar. "It's ok, Jamal told me." He smiles. "Told you what?" I ask quickly. "That the kid in your post was just some random neighbor. Sorry I even asked." He kisses me and then goes back to his cake. "Don't be sorry." I can't even look him in the eye. When we walk back to my house I feel like someone's pressing down against my chest. "Did you sleep with someone when I went to Brentwood?" I ask Cesar. "What? No, why would you think that?" He says. "Some girl named Paula told me that you cheated on me." I explain. "Of course she did." Runs his hands over his face and shakes his head. "So it's true?" I ask. "No babe of course it's not true." He says sincerely. I can't tell if I'm relieved of disappointed. If he cheated it would've made telling him the truth so much easier. "I love you so much, I could never do something like that to you." He says. "I love you too but..." I can barely breathe. "I did something like that when I was in Brentwood." He looks at me so deeply and I can't tell what he's thinking. "You slept with someone else?" He asks. I don't say anything and he grabs the back of my arm and he asks me again. "I kissed someone else." I tell him and he lets go of my arm. "Please never scare me like that again." He sighs. "What? Aren't you mad?" I ask. "Yeah I'm mad but not at you... we were broken up." He says. I'm definitely not going to tell him we were just on a break. "Who are you mad at?" I ask. "I'm mad at the dumb ass that kissed you for thinking that he has a chance with my girl." He pulls me to him and he hugs me tightly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask him. "No." He says quickly. The rest of the walk is spent in silence and I can tell he's not as ok with this as he claims. "Crazy night." I say to break the silence when we get inside my house. "Yeah, shit really hits the fan when people cheat on each other." He says. Is he seriously trying to be passive aggressive? "I'm really sorry I kissed another guy." I tell him. "I told you it's fine Monse, we were broken up." I should've never said anything. "Do you still love me?" He asks after a few minutes of awkward and uncomfortable silence. "Of course I do." I tell him honestly. "So why won't you just forget about it. If the kiss didn't mean anything why do you wanna talk about it?" He asks. I take a pause before answering and he shakes his head. "Forget it, I'm gonna go to sleep." He kisses me walks into my room. "Listen Cesar, the last thing I want is for us to break up again that's the only reason I want to talk about it is beca-" He cuts me off. "Because you always need to talk about everything. We're good don't worry about it." He pulls me onto my bed and I know he's just trying to distract me and it's working. We start making out and he takes off my shirt. "Did you and Brentwood guy ever do anything like this?" He whispers against my neck. "Seriously? Why did you have to bring it up?" I ask. "I'm just kidding!" He laughs. I roll over and pull the blanket over me. "Goodnight." I laugh. "Oh come on baby! I was just kidding." He whines. "I wasn't, I'm going to sleep." I smile. "Wow." He shakes his head. "Love you now go to sleep." I close my eyes and I drift off to sleep leaving Cesar wide awake.

Cesar's POV:
Monse falls asleep in less than two minutes. I try to sleep but my mind is full. Nothing ever gets easier. I'm mad at Monse but I can't lose her again so I have to act like everything's fine and I don't know how long I can keep doing that. Every time I think about her kissing another guy I feel my blood boil. I call everyone and no one picks up. Finally Jamal calls me back. "It's two in the morning what do you want?" He says groggily. "Why'd you cover for Monse?" I ask over the phone. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you. I've got enough secrets." He says. "What secrets?" I ask. "I'm still not telling Mari about the money." He whispers. "Did she tell you anything else?" I ask him. "Like what?" "Like does she like him?" I don't know if I want the answer to this question. "All I know is she kissed him and she still came back to you." He says and I'm relieved. "That doesn't mean they still don't talk though." Jamal says. "I don't know what I'm talking about I'm really tired!" He proclaims quickly. "Why would you tell me that?! I'm already paranoid!" I say a little too loudly. "She wouldn't cheat on you." He says quietly. "But what if she is? Maybe that's why it's taken her so long to want to make it official." I say. "Maybe you're just freaking out because you haven't been honest with her." He states. "What are you trying to say?" I ask. "It kinda sounds like you're projecting... Maybe other stuff happened when you were supposed to be working late." He suggests. "You know I miss when you used to try and stay out of people's business." I hang up and I walk into the bathroom and make a phone call. "Why would you tell her we slept together?" I ask Paula.

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