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Monse's POV:
"You are not getting a giant Santo cross on your chest!" I yell at Cesar. "Would you rather me get a tear drop tattoo on my face!" He says. "Either way it's dangerous you can't risk it." I beg. "I already said yes and besides it'll distract Dwayne from the parade of hickeys." He starts laughing and I furrow my brow. "How is any of this funny? You should've told me before today. When's your appointment, maybe I can still get you out of it." I say. "Um, in twenty minutes." He smiles awkwardly. "Oh my God Cesar!" I yell. "Bebé, I promise you won't even notice." He kisses me before he walks into his room. "By the way, you're coming with me." Of course I am, I'd never let him get a tattoo without me. "Come get dressed!" He says. I throw on the clothes Jasmine made me buy yesterday and I put my hair in the messiest bun I've ever seen. "Great you look beautiful now let's go, Oscar's already outside." He drags me to the car and I sit in the backseat. Oscar looks at me and then he just shakes his head. "You're letting your hyna go out like that?" He asks Cesar. "Cesar doesn't decide how I dress." I protest. "I'm talking about your neck." He laughs. "What am I supposed to do? I don't wear makeup and my hair looks crazy right now so I can't keep it down." I explain. Oscar drives off but he doesn't stop laughing. "You ready?" I ask Cesar when we get out of the car. "I've been waiting for this tattoo since Oscar got his first one." Cesar says. "I hope it hurts." I sigh. "If it does I know you'll make me feel better." He smirks. "I could've gone my whole life without hearing that." Oscar says. "You're two minutes late." A tattoo artist says as soon as we walk in. As soon as Cesar lays down she gets straight to work. "If I lose my license for this shit." She mumbles. "You say that every time." Oscar laughs. Cesar tries to hold my hand but I slap it away. "Don't be a pussy Diaz, you wanted this." It sounds brutal but it was his decision. "She's so supportive." He tells the girl who's about to permanently draw on his skin.

*two hours later*
"Did it hurt?" I ask as I stare at the giant cross on his torso. "Nah, you want one?" He laughs. "Mmm no bad idea. Laughing hurts." He groans. "Yeah, try getting shot!" Oscar says as we get in the impala. I high five Oscar and Cesar gives us a dirty look. "Ok, maybe not." I shrug. "Aren't you glad you didn't go to school, you would've missed all of this." Cesar says. "I would've been fine not seeing my boyfriend scream like a six year old girl but I'm happy I was there." We pull up to their house and I see my dad hanging out with some prophets across the street. "How could he choose that over his own kid." I sigh. "Yeah, and how could he let Prophets on my side?" Oscar asks. "You guys go inside, I gotta take care of this shit." He says when we get out of the car.

Oscar's POV:
I know to anyone else it'd look like I was doing this for Monse but this about the block. "What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you've left by now?" I ask. I lean against their fence and Monty just stares at me. This was the man who abandoned me and Cesar when he promised my dad he'd look after us, now he abandoned the Santos and his daughter. "I'm not going anywhere, this was my block first." He says. "That's not how it works compa." I hiss. He gets up and walks towards me. "I left my daughter because she decided to be with your fucking brother don't think I'll hesitate to put a cap in your ass." He tries to threaten me. "I live right there, what's stopping you?" He doesn't say anything and I just nod. "That's what I thought. If it wasn't for me your daughter would have nothing, remember that next time you bring Prophets over to my block." I walk back towards the house and I see Cesar and Monse run from the window. "We talked it out." They don't need to know anything else at least not right now. "You guys need to go to Dwayne's tonight just in case." "I'm a Santo too, I'm not just gonna let Prophets take over our side." Cesar complains. "I didn't ask you Cesar!" I yell. I know he's just trying to help but he's still my little brother. "Cesar he's right. My dad's told my about the stuff he's done we should probably just hide out until the prophets leave." Monse says. "I'm gonna go grab my stuff." He sighs. "Hey can I talk to you for a second?" I ask Monse and she nods. "You still got the gun." "Yeah." She says. "You know how to use it?" She told me she didn't before but I don't know if I believe her. "Yeah, but please don't tell Cesar." She begs. "I won't, but if anyone goes over there and starts shit I need to know I can trust you." This is too much pressure to put on her right now but Cesar freezes unless Monse's the one in danger. "Ok." She moves her flannel to the side and points at her gun. "You never know." She shrugs. "I'm ready, let's go." Cesar says. "You call me if anything happens." I tell Cesar. "And you better do the same for me. Just 'cause you're my older brother doesn't mean you don't need my help." He says. "I promise. Go through the backyard so they don't see where you're going." They go through the back door and I call over a few more Santos. I really hope Monty doesn't try shit, he's still Monse's dad.

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