You're Safe

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Cesar's POV:
I had to keep Monse awake until six which didn't sound that hard but it was. She was exhausted and in pain. "What's your favorite color?" I asked. I'm trying to keep her answering questions but she keeps on saying the same thing. "Sleep. I just want to sleep." Monse rolls over on her side and I sit her back up. "What if you have a concussion?" I ask. "This wasn't your fault." Where did that come from? "You didn't do this, I should've listened to you. What else could you have done Cesar?" She sounds half asleep but I think she knows what she's saying... I hope she knows what she's saying. "It is my fault I shouldn't have let you go home. For the next few weeks you're staying here." I demand. "Ok." She says as she yawns. "Wow you really are tired, you're not gonna fight me on this?" I ask. "Why would I you protected me and I know that you won't let me be stupid like that again." Her eyes are slowly closing and it's making me so stressed. "Where are you hurt?" I'm not a nurse but I'm here. "Headache, and my stomach." She mumbles. "I'm really sorry about this." Before she can say a word I touch part of her stomach and the pain wakes her up. "What the fuck Cesar!" She cries. I've never felt so bad for hurting someone, for hurting her. "You were falling asleep I'm so sorry but I failed you twice and I'm not going to let it happen again." I kiss her forehead. "You don't like me." Monse says bluntly. "Of course I do Monse I'm just worried about you." I'm assuming she means since I just touched her stomach to make her feel pain so she'd wake up. "That's not what I mean. I mean why do you kiss me and why are you so sweet to me and then you push me away?" Before I can answer nurse Gonzalez comes into the room. "You must be Monse." She says with a smile. "Show me where it hurts?" Monse explains everything that happened and Gonzalez doesn't even flinch. "My son is a Santo, so when he got hurt the first time I took care of him and now I take care of everyone. I hear you do the same thing, stitching people up and everything." She talks to Monse as she cleans the cut on the back of her head and checks to see if she has a concussion. "Yeah I've been helping my dad and his friends out for three years." She responds. "Have you thrown up since you got hurt?" Monse shakes her head. "Ok good. I know I heard, Alejandro showed me the stitches... nice work. Ok good news is no concussion I would just take it easy for the next few days. You do have two pretty big cuts but they're only superficial wounds. Cesar clean the one on her head twice a day she won't be able to reach it. Monse the one on your stomach needs to be cleaned once a day and bandages need to change every other." Nurse Gonzalez tells us. Monse lifts her shirt again and now nurse Gonzalez looks at the bruises that are starting to form. "You're bruising which means you're clotting so that's a good sign. You're going to need to take pain killers as needed, Cesar make sure she takes them. Now, you tell me if it hurts anywhere else?" Monse shakes her head as she falls asleep. "You keep an eye on her. If you guys need me make sure to call me right away. The prophets did a lot of damage and I don't want her getting worse." Gonzalez hands me a pill bottle and leaves the room. Once Monse's asleep I look at her tear stained face and I just want to kill whoever did this to her. "Oscar, she's gonna be ok but whoever did this to her better not be." Oscar nods. "The guy you shot, he died. No one needs to know shit ok so you keep your mouth shut but I think killing one person and beating the shit out Latrelle is good enough. Go to sleep, we'll deal with this on the morning." I killed a guy. I'm fourteen and I killed a guy. "He would've killed you." Oscar says as he goes to his room. A couple Santos are staying at our house to make sure no one hurts Monse and once I'm finally falling asleep on the floor next to my bed mr. Finnie drags me back out of my room. "You were supposed to protect her! We've been here for a week Cesar. You fu-" I cut him off. "I killed a guy. I killed a guy breaking into the house your daughter decided to go to after I tried to stop her. I protected her and where were you? You assumed cause the prophets were all chill in one spot that Latrelle and everyone of the guys that hate you weren't attacking your daughter. This is more your fault than mine. Go back to your house we got this." "You're not safe Cesar. No one in the life is but you're even worse than your brother." I slam my door in his face and it wakes up Monse. "What happened!" She says as she sits up quickly. "Nothing, your dad just came to check on you." I say as I give her a sad smile. She starts drifting back to sleep and but before she does she mumbles. "You're safe." Oh shit she heard that.

*next morning*

Monse's POV:
I remember everything it doesn't take me a minute or a second I wake up and I remember every second of my night. I even remember Cesar screaming at my dad. I usually would've been pissed but I'm not ready to look my dad in the eyes yet. Cesar walks in the room with water and a pill bottle. "You're awake, how are you?" He asks as he rushes over. "Did I get hit by a truck after we left the Prophets or what?" I try and laugh. He smiles at me and passes me three pills, I swallow them before he hands me the water. "What? This isn't my first time taking pills." I say as he just stares at me. "These things are huge!" He laughs. "Oh my God they're not!" What a big baby. He sits by my feet and keeps staring at me. "I wish you didn't have to see what happened... you know umm what I did." He looks down and I don't get it. He's done nothing but protect me or at least try to. I should be sorry for being so rude every time he tries to help me. "You saved me and yourself. I would've done the same thing or at least I hope I would've." I move so I'm sitting next to him and I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He still won't look at me. I kiss his cheek and he looks at me and rests his forehead against mine. "Oh please don't start making out." Spooky says as he walks in. "How you doing kid?" He sits on my left. "A lot of pain and I'm still kind of freaking out." He looks so calm it's crazy. "You wanna see your dad?" He asks. "No, I'd rather do anything else." I try to laugh again but it hurts too much.

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