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Cesar's POV:
I can't believe my brother actually helped him. We had to leave because he started having a panic attack and couldn't breathe. "Does that happen a lot?" I ask Olivia. "Almost everyday. It was probably worse today 'cause you were there." She says. "I didn't know. No one's really talking to me." I tell her. "What do you want me to do? I don't feel bad for you. Karma." She shrugs. "I just wanted you to know I didn't do that." I say. "No, you did do that. You could've just left him alone but you didn't." She says. "If I left him alone my brother would've killed him." I explain again. "I don't believe you. Your brother protected Latrelle." She says. "Just talk to Mariana. She can explain everything." I say. "Go." She says when we pull up to Monse's. "I thought you said you'd forgive me?" I ask. "You seriously thought it'd be that easy? I'm about to have his baby and he can barely breathe or walk. He has panic attacks every time someone opens the door." She says. "Talk to Mariana." I get out of the car and run inside. "Olivia told me you went over there. Are you stupid?" Monse says. "I needed to apologize." I tell her. "He's so drugged out he won't remember any of that tomorrow." Monse explains. "I didn't know." I mumble. "Don't expect too much from him. He's not your biggest fan right now." She warns me. "I just want everyone to stop looking at me like I'm a bad guy." I say. "You aren't your brother." Monse says and I look at the ground. "Yeah, I'm worse than him." I mumble. "What are you talking about?" She sounds worried. "He stopped the Santos when they jumped Latrelle." I tell her. "Yeah after he sent them over there." She says. "How do you know?" I ask. "My dad texted me and told me everything after it happened." She says. "Wait, you knew it wasn't my choice and you still left?" I ask. "I didn't leave because you beat him up... I left because Freeridge is just too much." She says. She's lived here for a couple months and it's already too much for her. I need to find a way out if I want to stay with her. "You should've told me." I say. "That's not the point... You're a good person I don't care what anyone says about you." She tells me. I feel like I have a lump in my throat and I look away. "You should've stayed in Brentwood." I say. "Yeah with my racist mom. I wasn't happy there." She defends her choice. "But you were safe. How many gunshots went off when you where there?" I ask and she shakes her head. "It's not just about being safe!" She yells. Where the hell did that come from? "I love you, you idiot, and when I left I wasn't planning on staying. I wasn't just going to leave you." She sounds pissed.

Monse's POV:
Is he really that stupid? "If I'm the only thing holding you back then maybe it's good that we broke up." He says. I know what he's trying to do. He wants to push me away to protect me and to protect himself. "You can't keep doing this to yourself." I make him sit down on the couch with me. "I'm not going anywhere." I tell him. "Maybe you should." He shrugs. I shake my head and smile. "Don't even try to ruin this or push me away I'm not going anywhere." I promise him. "This isn't the life you want. I'm homeless, my whole family is in a gang, and your family hates me." He says. "I was homeless, my mom was in a gang when she was a teenager and my dad is still in one. You didn't leave me so why should I leave you?" I ask him. "Because I keep ruining this." He says. "No you don't. I still love you and you still love me... nothing's ruined." I say calmly. "Do you think we're going to stay together this time?" He asks. "I don't know." I shrug. "But you cant push me away if you want to be together. I'm not like your brother or any of the people who left you Cesar." I say. He kisses me softly and slowly and I can tell he calmed down. "I missed you." He leans his forehead against mine and I smile. "Good now stop running. We'll figure it all out we just need to give it time." I tell him. "You guys want burgers for lunch?" My dad asks. "Jesus! How long have you been standing there?" I ask my dad. "I don't know like fifteen minutes." He shrugs. "Burgers sounds good." Cesar laughs. "I have to go on a long haul, I'm gonna be gone for a week, you guys think you can manage?" He asks. "Yeah, I think we'll be fine." I say.  "I leave tomorrow at six in the morning." He tells us. I hate when my dad leaves, especially since I just moved back home, but this is good for him. He barely went to work when I moved. The truck was always parked outside and I was starting to worry about him. "We'll be ok dad. He can take my bed and I'll sleep in your room." I tell him. "You're a good kid Finnie." He smiles. "I know, you got lucky." I laugh. He walks into the kitchen and Cesar gives me a weird look. "What?" I ask and he just shakes his head and laughs. "I don't think we're gonna sleep in different beds." He laughs. "Why not?" I ask. "You have no self control!" He says. "Me?! You're the one who can't keep his hands to himself!" I say. "I bet you can't last this whole week without trying to sleep with me." He says with a smirk. "Whatever, you couldn't last a day." I roll my eyes. "Ok, whoever lasts longer wins." He laughs. "Starting now." I pull him in and kiss him deeply before I walk into the kitchen. This is gonna be a fun week.

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