Devil Incarnate

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Cesar's POV:
It's been a month since I accidentally broke up with Monse me and Olivia have gotten really close but she's not Monse. I only see Monse when we hangout with the crew but other than that she's not in my life. I look outside and Monse's sitting in front of her house this is my chance. I cross the street as fast as I can so she doesn't go inside before I get there. She starts getting up and I grab her hand. "We need to talk about this. You hurt me too." I say. "Yeah, I know I should've told you but I messed up. I was going to Ruby's to talk to you about it and apologize but instead I find out you're breaking up with me. I wasn't trying to make it any harder on you so I just left. Isn't that what you wanted?" "Of course that's not what I wanted I just didn't know what to do. This gang shit isn't a joke Monse." I run my hands through my hair. "Olivia asked if I'd be mad if you guys date, I'm going to tell her to go for it." My heart breaks and it feels like someone's pressing down on my chest. "Fine." I walk away and go straight to Ruby's house. Olivia answers the door and I kiss her. "Is everything ok?" She asks as she kisses me back. "Yeah, Monse said it's ok for us to date." I try to find the feeling I get when I kiss Monse but there's nothing there. "So this is happening? I don't want to be your rebound if we date it has to be because you like me." Olivia says. I know I don't have feelings for her but it's better than the alternative, sitting around broken hearted. "Yeah I like you, I like you so much I want you to be my girlfriend." I kiss her again. Nothing. "How do we tell Ruby?" She asks. "We can figure that out later." I say. I really don't know what I'm doing but this is happening me and Olivia are a couple. "Everyone's coming over later, we should tell them right away." She's really trying to rush things.

Monse's POV:
"I really don't want to go over there." I say to Jamal and Ruby. "What's the worst that could happen?" Ruby says. "Well before I came here I told Cesar I didn't care if he dated Olivia and then he walked to your house." "You what?!" Ruby yells. "What did I do?" I ask. "You're seriously telling me you forgot about his crush on Olivia?" Jamal says. "Oh God I completely blanked when I told him." I apologize. "It's ok you're going through a lot right now." Ruby says as he takes deep breaths. "Let's just get over there now before anything happens." Jamal says. We walk over to Ruby's house and when we go inside Cesar has his arm over the devil incarnate... I mean Olivia. "Oh hey guys we have something important to tell you." She says and she sounds so excited it's nauseating. "Let me guess you're dating?" I say with my arms crossed. Cesar doesn't even look me in the eyes. "Yup and I'm so glad you said you were ok with it I don't think Cesar would've asked me to be his girlfriend if you were uncomfortable with it." She hugs me and I keep my arms crossed. "Can we just talk about something else?!" Ruby bursts out and we all stare at him. "Yeah sorry we're probably being a little intense." Cesar stands up from the couch. "Sorry I'm just a little excited." Olivia kisses Cesar and I need to look away. "Let's what a movie!" Jamal yells so that they'll stop. "Ok, let's watch something romantic!" Olivia squeals. "Ok Meet the Blacks it is." I say as I scroll through Netflix. "That's a horror and a comedy, why would we watch that?" "Shut up Olivia." I erupt and they all stare at me. I start the movie and I sit in between Jamal and Ruby. I don't even laugh during the movie 'cause all I can think of is how easily Cesar gave up on us.
Everyone's asleep other than me and of course Cesar. "I'm gonna head home." I say. "I'll walk you." He says and I shake my head. "I'll be ok. I don't think your... girlfriend would like it." I have a lump in my throat and I walk out. I wish I never moved. "Monse wait." Cesar chases after me. "I don't know what I was thinking but I can't just brake up with her. I'd choose you over her any day but you make it pretty clear that you don't like me anymore." He says and I have to bite my lip to hold in my tears. "Have fun with Olivia." I walk away and tears start rolling down my face. Screw them.

Author's Note:
Sorry this chapter was short I just really don't like Olivia.

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