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Monse's POV:
"School starts in a week oh my God... I'm going to die!" Jamal says as he falls onto the couch. "You're not going to die... well probably not." Cesar says and I hit his chest. "It'll be fine don't listen to him." I put my hand on Jamal's shoulder as I get up. "Do you guys want anything to drink?" I ask from the kitchen. "No but I do know what I want to eat." Cesar says as he grabs my waist. "Very funny, no. We aren't technically together." He pouts as I talk. "I told you I want to claim you but you said no!" He says as he glares at me. "I said no because I'm not even your girlfriend and if you claim me it'll look like it's just a sex thing and we haven't even told them yet." I point to Ruby and Jamal. "They'll be fine and if I claim you it'll be for more than sex and you know that. You're my ruca." He says as he tries to sound sweet. "Technically I'm not your ruca because you haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend. How do you know I'll be your ride or die bitch unless we're dating?" I say as I grab a few cans of Red Bull. "Jamal, Ruby! Me and Monse are-" I slap my hand over his mouth before he can finish his sentence. "Sleeping together, we know!" Jamal yells. "What?!" I scream as I walk back to the living room. "Umm, yeah we're not stupid. You guys have been living together and always on top of each other. It's not a big deal." Ruby shrugs. "Plus these are some really thin walls and we heard everything the other night." I throw a can at Jamal. "I was gonna say dating." Cesar admits. "Oh wait... that's a big deal." Ruby puts down his phone and hugs us. "More ladies for me!" He cheers. "Wow you guys are really cool about this." I say. "Yeah it's been like two months of you two being gross." Jamal just doesn't shut up. "So Monse, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? Oh yeah and letting me claim you so people back off." Cesar asks. I roll my eyes and nod my head. "To both? I mean Cesar's hot and everything but we're fourteen him claiming you is pretty intense like are you sure that's what you want? I'll back you up no matter what but still." Jamal rants. "Jamal!" We all scream at once. "Yes to everything I guess." Cesar gives me a huge hug. "Going back to school just got a hell of a lot better." He kisses me quickly and starts walking out of the house. "I'll see you guys in a few hours." He says as he runs off. "He went off real quick." I say as I open my Red Bull. "He really likes you, it's too bad that when you leave Freeridge he's gonna be stuck here." Ruby says and then he covers his mouth. "What are you talking about?" I ask. "The Santos don't let you leave just 'cause you have a diploma." Jamal says. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I run into the bathroom and I throw up. I brush my teeth and fix my face so I can walk back over there without looking like an idiot. "He didn't tell you?" Ruby asks. "No he told me, I just got so anxious that I threw up because you brought up a diploma." I say sarcastically. "Well it's the truth. He's in too deep." Jamal says. My stomachs in knots and I can't wait for Cesar to come home so I can punch him.

Cesar's POV:
I took care of a few things for the Santos and I told everyone about me and Monse; I'm so excited to back to her house. I knock on the door she opens it and punches me. I really need to stop using the front door. "What the hell!" I scream. "You didn't tell me you weren't gonna be able to leave Freeridge!" She screams back. "Who told you that?" I say as I walk inside. "These idiots!" She points at Ruby and Jamal. "What the fuck guys! I was gonna tell you I promise." I try to hold Monse's hands and she looks disappointed but not mad. "Can you guys come back later?" I ask Jamal and Ruby, they both nod. "We've been through so much and you didn't think you could tell me you couldn't get out? I'm new to all this gang stuff, you need to talk to me about this." I can hear how upset she is. "I know I was stupid I just didn't want to hurt you. I know you want a future out of here and I can't give you that." I know graduation and the rest of our lives is far away but I don't want to drag her deeper into all this. "We have years before we need to worry about this." She gives me a kiss but she still looks upset. "There's one more thing you should know, Oscar wants me to get a tear drop tattoo... you know because of what I did." I think she needs to know that, it's not going to be easy to hide. "What? I thought you weren't supposed to tell anyone!" Monse says with wide eyes. "I told him that, he agreed but it's only gonna work for a while." We sit on the couch and she rests her head on my shoulder she doesn't say anything, but what could she say? This wasn't our choice. I actually liked being in the gang before I had Monse to worry about.

Monse's POV:
There's nothing I can say or do to change things. "You don't have to protect me, I can handle it I just want you to trust me." I think I should take over for my dad when I'm eighteen but I'm not telling Cesar until I'm sure.

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