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"I gotta go, Oscar said he needs me but I'll see you guys tonight." Cesar says as he checks his phone.
"Ok, I'm probably going home in like an hour... Um so I probably won't see you. I'll walk you out." Monse tries not to make it obvious that they're back together. "Be careful." She says when they get outside. "I will." He says. Cesar kisses Monse and he gets into his brothers car. Monse walks back inside and she can't stop herself from being worried. "Hey Monse, you want to try on your dress?" Olivia suggests and Monse nods. "I'm so excited, Ruby's been making sure everything's perfect. He's the best." Olivia blushes as she grabs Monse's dress. "You guys make a cute couple." Monse says. "We decided to wait till after my birthday to make it official but I think everyone knows." Olivia admits. "Everyone except Jamal, he's been so busy with rollerworld I don't even think he's noticed that you and Cesar broke up." Monse says. "Or that you and Cesar are back together." Olivia points out. "We're not." Monse laughs awkwardly. "You're joking, you guys were basically making out when I went to break up with him!" Olivia says. "That doesn't mean we're together." Monse mumbles as she tries on her dress. "You look so good! I wish we started planning a few months ago so this could've lasted a little longer." Olivia says. "Yeah and I might've been able to dance by then." Monse laughs. "Thank you for being my dama. I know we didn't really get off to a great start but it's nice to have a real friend that's a girl. Don't get me wrong Ruby is a great guy to try on dresses with and everything but it's a lot less awkward with you." Olivia says sweetly. "Yeah I know what you mean. The guys are great but there's moments that they're just so clueless!" Monse agrees. "I just have one question, how are you so ok with Cesar being in a gang?" Olivia asks. "He showed me he knows how to take care of himself." Monse says. "So you're not worried?" Olivia questions. "No, I worry about him every time he's not around. He shares his location with me when he's with Oscar, he tells me when he gets home, he usually comes over so that I know he's actually ok. Besides, I'd rather spend a few hours a day worried about him than never see him again." Monse says. "You love him don't you?" Olivia nudges. "So much." Monse admits. "I can't wait till I get to that point with Ruby." Olivia smiles. "Trust me it takes time and effort." Monse shakes her head. "It looks like it was worth it for you." Olivia points out. "Yeah, it really was." Monse smiles. "I'm so glad Ruby's not a Santo, I don't think I could deal with that. You literally never know if he'll die at any moment... I mean Cesar will be fine!" Olivia says on accident. "It's ok, I know what you mean." Monse smiles but she knows Olivia's right.
*later that night.*
Monse's on her phone when Cesar knocks on her window. "Hey, is everything ok?" She asks and he pulls her in for a hug. "Cesar, please talk to me." Monse begs and Cesar just hugs her tighter. She pushes him back and looks him in the eye. "Talk to me, what do you need?" She asks. He looks at her lips and back at her eyes. Rather than speaking he just kisses her. In that moment all he needs is her. No words can help him in the same way that a kiss from Monse could. Rather than push him away and continue to ask questions Monse kissed him back she was worried and the fact that he was there, that she could touch him, feel him made all her worries drift away. They fall onto her bed and continue to kiss. They continue to kiss hungrily, it's like they'd been apart for days. She takes off his shirt and he throws hers to the side. "All I need right now is you." He says, answering her question from earlier. He rolls over so Monse's on his lap and she sits up. "Tell me what happened." She says. "Later, right now I just want to focus on you." He says as he pulls her back down to him. "Can I stay the night?" He asks between kisses. Monse just nods and forgets that anything was ever wrong.
*next morning*
Monse wakes up when she feels Cesar's arm pull away from her. "You're not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." Monse demands. "Oscar, he wants me to kill Latrelle. He said Latrelle's been talking a lot of shit saying he's gonna kill me and get with you. After he pulled a gun on us and what he did to you, I don't think we can give him anymore chances but shit we went to school together. We used to be friends." Cesar says. "Then don't do it, I'll talk to my dad he can-" "If you tell your dad he'll never let me see you again." Cesar explains. "Then lets talk to Latrelle maybe we can warn him and he'll leave." Monse tries to find a solution. "I don't have any other options Monse." "What if you disappeared? Jamal and me have been getting pretty far with rollerworld and even if it ends up being fake I have some money saved up for college." She suggests. "I'm not taking your money. I don't believe in rollerworld but it's all I have... worst comes to worst I know what I have to do." Cesar turns to Monse and kisses her again. "If anything happens to me-" "Cesar please don't." Monse pleads. "Just let me finish. If anything happens to me you get out of here as soon as you can. Don't stay for my funeral, don't even talk to Oscar about it, just get whatever you need and run." He says seriously. He starts to stand up but Monse stops him. "Please Cesar don't, stay here until we figure something out I can't lose you." She cries. "Ok, but when Oscar calls me that's it I have to go." Cesar agrees. She wraps her arms around him and hopes that Jamal has been right this whole time.

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