Welcome to the family

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Monse's POV:
We just got out of our first day back at school and some how Mariana manages to get me to come over. "You sure you're not tired, that pep rally must have been exhausting." I try to find away out of this. "It's fine, Latrelle and I really want to talk about all this with you." She says as she gets in her brother's car. "She's coming with us?" Latrelle asks his sister. "It wasn't my choice." I say bluntly. "Then you can stay on your side." Why is he so mad? I don't even want to go. "My dear sweet brother, we have no other family so you're gonna suck it up and stop acting like a little bitch!" Mariana yells. I've never seen her like that before. I get in the car and he speeds down to third street. "I'm gonna go change because I smell gross, Latrelle if you do anything stupid we're not twins anymore." She says with crazy eyes. "You can't just not make us twins." Latrelle laughs. "Try me!" She smiles before she walks away. "So, we're cousins." I say awkwardly. "Yeah but that's not why I didn't want you here. Mari doesn't know I'm a Prophet." He tells me. "So she doesn't know any of it?" I ask. "Nah, I keep her out of it. She's not like me." He looks like he actually cares. "Her bio mom left her with our dad. We always say we're twins 'cause it's easier but this family's got a lot of problems." Latrelle says honestly. "Does she know her mom?" I ask. "My dad doesn't want anyone to know. She's the only reason my family doesn't disown me." He says. "You never talk about her. You said you didn't have anywhere to go on Christmas. I thought your mom was a bad person. Why don't you talk about your dad either? You only talk about your mom, grandma and sister." I see why Cesar says I badger people. "I don't talk about her 'cause she doesn't need to be in danger I don't need any Santos trying to get at her. I didn't have anywhere to go, my grandma was trying to convince my parents to come back with my little sister. They left with her after I got shot and Mari didn't wanna go. I don't talk about my dad 'cause he left when I was twelve, came back got my mom and sister and left us again and I don't care what he does I don't forgive him. My mom lost her shit when he left so she was and still is a crappy mom." He informs me. "You're gonna scare her away." Mariana says as she sits down. "I don't tell people the truth about our family because it over complicates everything. Cheerleaders love to gossip." Mariana says. "You met my mom she used to be a mess." I say. "Genetics." Mariana laughs. "If we end up like them run me over." Latrelle says. "We won't be like them. I'm even gonna go to college." Mariana says and Latrelle starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask. "I only became a cheerleader so I could get into college and it's been like six years but I still keep falling on my ass every chance I get." She laughs. "You're not that bad!" I try to sound sincere. "Oh really because I saw her drop a girl 'cause she needed to sneeze." Latrelle says. "I have time to get better before colleges start watching me." Mariana says confidently. Having a family feels kinda cool even if Latrelle's a part of it. "So, are you excited to be an aunt?" I ask Mariana when the laughter dies down. "Umm... excited would be an understatement." She says happily. How is she related to him? All he does is look pissed off and hurt people and she's probably the happiest person I've ever met. "What about you? That's like your... second cousin?" Latrelle asks. "I was excited before I knew that kid was my family." I actually don't know how to feel, Olivia's having my cousin's baby. My boyfriend's ex is having my cousin's baby oh my God. "I can't wait for you to meet our grandma she's the best." Mariana gushes. "Does she even know I exist?" I ask. "I don't know, but family is family." She shrugs. "It's crazy a few days ago I barely had a family now I have all this." "Don't get all emotional." Latrelle laughs. "So Latrelle, what you think of Jamal dating your sister?" I ask. "He's a good guy, she could do a lot worse." He shrugs. "Like who? Cesar?" I know I shouldn't have said that. "Nah, Cesar's ok. His brother would be worse." Is he only being nice 'cause we're related? "We're home!" I hear a women say. I turn around and there's their parents and my mom. "Hi, I should probably go." I grab my stuff and walk out of their house. "Monse wait!" Mariana comes after me. "Give your mom a chance. You have a family now, maybe Brentwood is what you need right now." That's why she wanted me to come here. "Are you joking? She left me, you should know better than anyone else!" I say. "If my mom lived in Brentwood I would go. I just don't think you should stay here for one reason." Mariana says. "Wait, I get why your brother doesn't like Cesar but why don't you?" I ask. "I know he's the one who shot my brother. Honestly can you really tell me the guy you fell in love with would've shot your family?" Why is she doing this? "Cesar's a good guy." I defend him. "I know, but he did something worse than your mom did and you still love him. Maybe if you go to Brentwood you'll forgive her... understand why she didn't come back for you." Maybe she's right. "I don't know, I have to get home." I was having such a good day and of course someone has to ruin it for me.

Cesar's POV:
Monse walks into my room and I realize how much I missed her even though it's only been a couple hours. "How'd it go?" I ask. She closes the door drops her bag and pulls me to her by my shirt. "I'm not complaining... but is everything ok?" I ask between kisses. "I just realized how lucky I am with you... here, in Freeridge." I smile when she mentions Freeridge, maybe this means she'll stay. "You sure you don't want to talk?" I ask. "Shut up." She takes off her shirt and obviously I listen.

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