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Latrelle's POV:
"Hey, what's up ma?" I ask Olivia when she calls me. "Ruby broke up with me, they all went to Dwayne's Joint and I just stayed. Can you come over?" She's crying and I honestly don't want to go, Ruby doesn't need another reason to hate me. "Please, he broke up with me because I'm pregnant." If I don't go she could try and keep me out of my kid's life. "I'm on my way." I can't believe I'm doing this. I get a ride over, mainly 'cause I don't want anyone to see my car out there. "I'm sorry." Her eyes are red and puffy. "It's all good." I shrug. "He said I needed time to figure it out but there's nothing to figure out!" I follow her inside and we go to her room. "You're affiliated with the Santos 'cause of Cesar and you're having a Prophets baby, that's a lot." I don't know what to tell her. "Would you be mad if I didn't have it?" Is she serious? I acted like I was cool with Cesar for this kid of course I'd care. "Yeah I'd fucking care! You didn't need to tell me you were pregnant if you wanted to get rid of it!" I yell. "You were about to leave forever what was I supposed to do?" She asks. "Why'd you care if I stayed if you don't even want it?" I ask. "What if I decided I wanted it and you were gone?" We're gonna end up asking questions back and forth all day. "If you don't want it then just give it to me and we'll get out of here." I suggest. She sits for a minute without saying anything. "If we did that I wouldn't want any contact, could you do that?" She sounds serious. "Yeah." I agree. "Deal." She says. "You don't gotta decide anything right now." "I don't care, my life is falling apart and it isn't even born yet." She says. "You seen it yet?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Let's go to the free clinic." I say. "I'm not ready." She disagrees. "You wanna leave that kid with me then you have to listen to me." I stand up but she doesn't move. "When I see it everything's going to be real." "It's real right now there's a baby inside of you and the faster you accept it the easier it's gonna be." Everyone feels bad for her or they're mad at her but I feel bad that my kid has to put up with such a crap mom. "Let's just go." She sighs. We get a ride over there and after an hour of waiting it's finally our turn. "First baby?" The nurse asks. "Yeah, how could you tell?" Olivia laughs but she sounds nervous. "You have the new parent glow, all hope. How old are you too anyways?" She has no idea how wrong she is. "We're fifteen." I say and she looks at us weird. "Right, let's just get started." She says without looking at us.

Olivia's POV:
The nurse starts the sonogram and there it is. "It looks like you're about four and a half months along. Everything looks good. Do you guys want to find out the gender?" She asks. "I don't know. Can we have a minute?" I ask. The nurse nods and she walks out. "What do you think?" I ask. "I wanna know." Latrelle says bluntly. "You still want the baby after seeing it?" I ask. "It didn't change my mind." He says. "I did." I admit. He looks confused. "It's probably the hormones or something but that's my baby." I start to cry again. "Good 'cause I don't think I was ready to do that alone." Latrelle sighs and I laugh a little. The nurse walks in a few minutes later. "Have you made up your minds?" She asks. "Yeah, we want to know." I say. "Ok, it's a..."

Ruby's POV:
"Maybe I should go back to the house and check on her." I didn't want to leave her but Monse said sometimes people "need space." I get that we just broke up but I don't want to leave her home alone when she's upset. "If you're really worried we can head over there." Monse suggests. "Yeah, we should probably get back to work anyways." Cesar says. "We'll be right back I just want to make sure she's ok." I says. Monse gets up and we walk back to the house. I open the door and I hear Olivia talking. "Maybe she's-" Monse starts talking and I put my index finger over her lips. "When do you wanna tell people?" I hear Latrelle ask. We sneak a little closer so I can hear them better. "I don't know, I think Ruby's gonna be excited." Olivia says. If they're dating I am definitely not going to be excited. "Really? I thought he'd want a girl." "Yeah but I think he'll spoil the crap out of our son. Probably buy him his first button down shirt." Olivia laughs. "You're having a boy?" I ask when I open the door. Shit I was supposed to sneaking around. "When did you get here?" Olivia asks. "Like ten minutes ago. You're having a boy?" I ask again. "Yeah." She has a big smile on her face. "You guys should come back to Dwayne's we're all hanging out." I'm trying my best to be nice even though every time I see Latrelle I wish Cesar killed him. "Yeah, sounds good." Olivia says. I walk away but Monse stays my the door texting someone.

Monse's POV:
I'm on my phone, about to leave Ruby's house when Latrelle and Olivia start talking again. "You think he could tell?" Olivia asks. "How would he even be able to know?" Latrelle whispers. I probably shouldn't keep listening to this it's none of my business. "I don't know, but we can't tell anyone we kissed today." Olivia says as I walk away. Damn it, why didn't I leave sooner?

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