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Cesar's POV:
"Are you crazy?" I ask. I probably should've worded that differently. "He's alone." Monse says. "And? I was kidnapped, thrown into a dark room, I woke up to Prophets cutting my tattoo and you had to hit a guy in the head with a baseball bat." I remind her. "I know but he's my dad." I hate seeing her upset. "If he tries to talk you first then go for it but right now I don't think it's a good idea." I say. "I miss him." She sighs. "If you think it's a good idea go for it but I don't know why you'd want to be around someone like that." I say. "He changed when we got to Freeridge or maybe he only changed when we moved to Inglewood I don't know." She just shrugs it off like she doesn't even miss her dad. "He misses you too. He's your dad, it doesn't just go away." I kiss her forehead and she nods. "I don't get how I can still love him after everything he's done." "He was all you had for a long time, but now you got us." I get why she misses him but seeing him would be a huge mistake. After everything he's done I thought she wouldn't miss him. "Ok, let's go back to being happy, I'm not wasting my day thinking about him." She fake smiles but I pretend like I don't notice. "You know what, we should go to Ruby's." I want to distract her from the crap her dad put her through. "Seriously?" She asks excitedly. "Yeah, let's go before I change my mind." I laugh. "I'm sorry if I ruined your Christmas." She says when she gets up. "Are you kidding me? This is definitely my favorite Christmas."
*Ruby's house*
We're all sitting in Olivia's room and it's uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I accidentally hit you in the face." Ruby tells Monse. "You didn't mean to." Monse smiles. "Can we not let her kid ruin everything?" Ruby asks. "This is why I didn't want to tell people." Olivia mumbles. "Monse, could you tell the other girl I'm not talking to her until she apologizes for letting Latrelle sleep on my couch?" Ruby asks Monse. "Can we stop being so damn childish?" Jamal asks. "The only one being childish here is Ruby!" Olivia insists. "No, you're both being childish. Ruby if you don't want to talk to Olivia then break up with her, Olivia if you want to be a good mom you need to learn some common sense because of course Ruby doesn't want the guy who got you pregnant in his house!" Monse snaps. "You good?" Jamal asks. "No, I'm not good! Ruby and I got shot, you have two hundred thousand dollars in a duffle bag, Olivia's pregnant and Cesar got kidnapped we can't keep waisting time!" Monse explains. "She's right, Olivia I think we need to take a break." Ruby says bluntly. "Are you serious?" She asks. "Come on, let's give them their space." I tell Monse and Jamal.

Ruby's POV:
I don't want to break up with Olivia, I love her, but I can't deal with that right now. She made her choice, I need to make mine. "You need to figure things out, and so do I." I shrug. "Don't do this Ruby!" She cries. "If we stay together everything's going to get worse. We can give it a few months, you should be focused on the baby and I need to focus on myself." This is the most mature decision I've ever made, even though it hurts it's the best thing for all of us. "I don't even know if I want the baby." She says. "That's another reason why being in a relationship isn't a good idea right now." I explain. "You don't get to do this!" She cries. "You need me as a friend more than you need a boyfriend." I try to calm her down. "Even if that was true, you could be both." I can hear how hurt she is. "This is the best thing for you." "You don't decide what's best for me." She mumbles. "I'm not going anywhere, we live together. If you're craving something in the middle of the night I got you, if you want me to go to a doctors appointment with you trust me I'll be the first one in the car... but we both need space." I give her a hug and she cries into my shoulder. "Figure everything out, I'll be here waiting for you when you're ready." I get up when she starts crying and when I open the door Jamal and Monse stumble in. "I told you guys not to lean against the door." Cesar laughs. "How much did you guys hear?" I ask. "You did good." Jamal puts his hand on my shoulder. "Did I do the right thing?" I ask when I close the door. "That's not our decision." Monse says. "You're the one who said I needed to be more mature." I point out. "You did the right thing, she needs time." Cesar says. I feel like I did the right thing but it hurts. "She's gonna appreciate this once she realizes what you did for her." Monse says. "One of you should talk to her." I suggest. We all look at Monse. "I'm just gonna make it worse." She says. "I'm her ex so that's probably not the best idea." Cesar points out. "Who  hasn't dated my girl!" I sigh. "I mean Olivia." That's going to take some getting used to. "I got this. Comedic relief is kinda my thing." Jamal cracks his fingers and goes in. "How are you?" Cesar asks. "Not gonna lie it hurts." I sigh. "Did you say take a break or break up?" Monse asks. "Take a break." "Oh then you're fine. Just don't make the break last too long." Monse shrugs. "She needs this if she wants to figure out her future." Cesar says. "What if she decides she wants to be with Latrelle?" I ask.

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