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*After church*
"Where is he, he said he'd be here." Monse stresses. "Why are you worried? This is Olivia's day and three people from her court are missing!" Ruby huffs. "Why am I worried? Oh I don't know maybe because my best friend left to see his cholo brother and he's been missing for five hours." Monse whisper shouts. "He's not coming, he's in a gang how reliable do you think he can be?" Ruby asks as he walks away. Cesar opens the door and goes straight to Monse. "Oh thank God!" She whispers to herself. "It's ok, I'm fine." Cesar says as he hugs her. "Where were you?" She asks without letting him go. "With Oscar but everything's ok. He just wanted to talk it's all good I promise." Cesar says. Monse starts to tear up and she breaks their hug. "I thought he was going to hurt you or worse." Monse says. "No no no, don't cry. Today's a happy day and you look way too beautiful to cry." Cesar smiles. He kisses her on the cheek and she takes a deep breath. "It's ok Monse, we're ok." He says. "What happened to your hair?" She asks when she's finally calm enough to notice. "We can talk about that later, right now it's time to party." He laughs. "Ok, ok." She laughs. They all squish into the car for the twenty minute car ride. "So, are you guys back together?" Ruby asks. "What do you mean?" Monse asks as she shifts so she's not completely on Cesar's lap. "You guys were in Cesar's room together this morning I was just wondering." Ruby says. "We were going to wait a little longer, but yeah we're back together." Cesar pulls Monse back onto his lap. "You guys aren't really the best at hiding your relationship." Ruby says. "Neither are you and Olivia! Besides we weren't counting on you walking in while we were asleep." Monse says. "Yeah but how many people want to slow dance with their ex, or let their ex sit on their lap in the car?" Ruby asks. "People with really hot exs." Cesar laughs. "Gross." Ruby gags. "What's gross about it?" Cesar asks. "It's like watching your parents kiss." Ruby explains. "You're so weird." Monse rolls her eyes. They roll over a speed bump and Monse hits her head. "Ha that's what you get for calling me weird!" Ruby laughs. They get to Ruby's house and start setting up right away. "Monse, can you and cesar help set up the tables? Ruby's driving us all crazy." Ruby's dad asks. "Of course." Monse smiles as she drags Cesar outside. "Why is it so hot?!" Cesar whines. "It's California stop being such a baby!" Monse laughs. Once they finish putting all the center pieces on the tables Cesar just stares at Monse. "What?" She asks. "You were talking about my hair but what about yours? I miss your curls." He says as he messes with her hair. "If Ruby catches you messing up my hair he'll kill you." Monse says. "Oh yeah I'm so scared." Cesar mocks. "Cesar! If one strand of her hair is out of place I swear to God!" Ruby shouts through the window and Cesar jumps back. "Wow you're scared of Ruby!" Monse laughs hysterically.

*Later that night during the party*
"What happened to staying low key?" Monse asks as she dances with Cesar. "You're the one who asked me to dance." Cesar laughs. "I know you were right when you said we should wait a little longer so that no one comes after me, but I'm tired of thinking about everyone else first. What about us? We're the only ones who should have an opinion on our relationship." Monse says. "So, you want to stop hiding?" Cesar asks. "Do you think it's safe?" Monse asks. "I don't know, and maybe it isn't but we can't be afraid all the time or-" Monse cuts him off by kissing him. He pulls her in as close as he can and forgets that they're in public surrounded by people. "Get it Monse!" Jasmine says even though she's curled up in a corner next to a bucket. "Wow she's a great hype man." Monse laughs. "I wonder where Jamal is?" Ruby asks as him and Olivia walk up next to them. "I was just starting to wonder where you two were." Monse says. "Let's just say, our relationships official now." Olivia smiles. "Nice." Cesar smirks at Ruby. "What? Gross, we just kissed!" Ruby says. "Sorry, I just thought-" Monse cuts Cesar off. "Ok, how about we just dance before this gets anymore awkward." Monse laughs. They all start dancing to Changes and laughing. "Thank you guys, this is the best birthday I could've asked for." Olivia smiles. "Thank you for giving us a reason to celebrate, we really needed one." Cesar says. They keep dancing when Ruby sees someone in a black hoodie walk up. "Cesar!" He yells. Cesar turns and sees one of the prophets holding a gun. He drags Monse to the ground and two gun shots go off. "Are you ok?" He asks. "No." Monse mumbles. She looks down and Cesar follows her gaze. "You're bleeding!" He panics. "The bullet just grazed me." Monse tries to get up. "No, don't move just wait until an ambulance comes." Cesar looks around and sees Ruby and Olivia on the floor. "Are you guys ok?" He yells. "Yeah, the bullet grazed my shoulder but it's not that bad." Ruby responds. "Oh my God Monse!" Olivia runs over to them. Cesar looks down and notices that Monse's pale. "Bebé stay awake, you hear that the sirens are getting closer." He lifts her on to his lap and she winces in pain. Olivia goes back to Ruby and he's doing a lot better than Monse. "This is all my fault!" Cesar cries. The EMTs try and take Monse from him but he won't let her go. "We're just trying to help, you can ride in the ambulance if you want." One of them says calmly. They get in the ambulance and Ruby and his parents get in the other.

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